アトラスサウンドチーム feat. ATLUS GAME MUSIC - Yoko paroles de chanson

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アトラスサウンドチーム feat. ATLUS GAME MUSIC - Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Original Soundtrack

1 Omen
2 Divided
3 ”SMTVV” hallucination
4 Yoko
5 Battle -beast of bloodshed-
6 Battle -Da'at- ”Vengeance”
7 Demon Haunt I
8 Quest -embrace-
9 Fool sru shin
10 Quest -riddle-
11 Contact with the Qadištu α
12 Battle -Qadištu-
13 Young man's room
14 Quest -Miyazu-
15 Transfer student
16 What she wants most
17 Contact with the Qadištu β
18 Quest -researcher-
19 Quest -aspiration-
20 Battle -speedster-
21 Sahori and Tao
22 True form
23 Surely Alive
24 Dinner party
25 Ace Detective Pixie
26 Quest -calm waters-
27 Song of Kinmamon
28 Heels and horizons
29 Battle -gliding-
30 Quest -irreversible-
31 Battle -deadlock
32 Humanity and its future
33 Quest -devotion-
34 A New Da'at
35 Da'at: shinjuku gyoen
36 Quest -poison gas man-
37 Da'at: jingu naien
38 Battle -alkalic acid rush-
39 Da'at: yoyogi
40 Quest -friction-
41 Battle -bounce and roll-
42 There's still time
43 Mastema
44 Da'at: shinjuku 3rd block
45 SMTV festival dance
46 Da'at: kabukicho
47 Quest -prince-
48 Alice's Wonderland
49 Contact with the Qadištu γ
50 Contact with the Qadištu δ
51 Battle -no hypocrisy-
52 Da'at: west shinjuku
53 Yoko and Lilith
54 Ritual realized
55 Goddess's descent
56 Aogami and the young man
57 Tao and the young man
58 Ichiro and Yuzuru
59 Yuzuru and Tsukuyomi
60 Forward, young man
61 Battle -”Vengeance” for reclamation-
62 Shakan
63 Hall of the Wheel
64 Battle -Qadištu (phantoms)-
65 Demon Haunt II
66 Tao and Tsukuyomi
67 Quest -confession-
68 Quest -runner-
69 Relay racing beat
70 Trial of the Seven Stars
71 Quest -Nahobeeho-
72 The ways of negotiation
73 Mothman exercises #1
74 Battle -Beelzebub-
75 Battle -fallen heaven, exultation-
76 A better future
77 Become what you must. Do what must be done.
78 Battle -primordial goddess-
79 My power is yours
80 Battle -M's revelation!-
81 Battle -(her and) deepest void-
82 Guide to the end
83 Boundless peace
84 The world desired by all
85 Battle -the adversary-
86 Battle -Masakado-
87 Battle -Konohana Sakuya-
88 Battle -Dagda-
89 ”Vengeance” end theme

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