ハイ・ファイ・セット - 冷たい雨 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Cold Rain
冷たい雨にうたれて 街をさまよったの
As I wandered through the streets, drenched in the cold rain,
もう許してくれたって いいころだと思った
I believed that by now, you would have forgiven me.
部屋にもどって ドアをあけたら
When I got back to my room, I opened the door,
あなたの靴と 誰かの赤い靴
And saw your shoes next to someone else's red ones.
あなたは別の人と ここで暮らすというの
You told me that you would be living here with someone new.
こんな気持ちのままじゃ どこへも行けやしない
I can't move on with these feelings.
冷たい雨が降るたび あなたを思うでしょう
Every time it rains, I think of you.
幸せに暮してなどと 願えるはずもない
I can't wish you happiness with someone else.
夢の中に でてくるあなたは
The you that appears in my dreams
やさしい面影だけで たくさん
Is filled with nothing but kindness.
だけど信じられない 突然のできごとが
But I can't believe what happened so suddenly.
こんな気持ちのままじゃ どこへも行けやしない
I can't move on with these feelings.
彼女の名前 教えないでね
Please, don't tell me her name.
うらむ相手は あなただけでいい
You are the only one I blame.
涙こぼれるように 時もこぼれてゆくわ
My tears continue to fall, and time continues to slip away.
指と指のすきまを そしていつか忘れたい
I want to forget you, little by little.
涙こぼれるように 時もこぼれてゆくわ
My tears continue to fall, and time continues to slip away.
指と指のすきまを そしていつか忘れたい
I want to forget you, little by little.

Writer(s): Yumi Arai

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