農夫 - 把傷心留給自己 - traduction des paroles en anglais

把傷心留給自己 - 農夫traduction en anglais

Keep My Sorrows to Myself
我把傷心 留給自己
I keep my sorrows to myself
I give you all the joy
可不可以 可不可以
Can you, can you
可不可以 想起我
Can you think of me
I want to ask you if you are happy
娛賓係我嘅責任 如今係我去過問
Entertaining is my duty, now it's my turn to ask
When you were close to me, were you ever happy
我點諗你唔需要問 要你擔心我就係過分
How I think, you need not ask, it is excessive to make you worry about me
生活已經係普遍 苦惱又討厭
Life is already mundane, annoying, and hateful
仲要你可憐 我軟弱嘅一面 得我搞得掂
You still pity me, my weakness can only be handled by me
我係報喜不報憂嘅高手 我嘅操守
I am a master at reporting good news and not bad, my integrity
係對住人歡喜背住人愁 我自己一直尋求
Is to be happy in front of people and sad behind their backs, I have always sought
當你一旦忙夠 可以有 一刻忘憂
When you get busy enough, can you have a moment to forget your worries
為咗你釋懷開懷 傷心我自己收埋 唔使你開解
For you to feel relieved and cheerful, I'll keep my sorrows to myself, you don't need to comfort me
要你熱情 要你共鳴 要你同情
To make you passionate, to make you resonate, to make you sympathize
The probability is zero
從來唔會做新聞 只係做作品
Never making headlines, only making works
面對平民定名人 細路定成人 一樣可以勝任
Facing civilians or celebrities, young or old, I can do the same
提起你精神 笑面迎人
Mention you with joy, greet everyone with a smile
Absolutely no joking
我哋一直以嚟 我唯一嘅志氣
We have always had one and only aspiration
To bring you happiness
I keep my sorrows to myself
我把傷心 留給自己
I keep my sorrows to myself
I give you all the joy
可不可以 可不可以
Can you, can you
可不可以 想起我
Can you think of me
Woowoohoo 我把傷心留給自己
Woowoohoo I keep my sorrows to myself
Woowoohoo 我將快樂帶俾你
Woowoohoo I bring you joy
唔理你 唔理你
Don't care about you, don't care about you
就算你傷心到要死 灰心到貼地
Even if you are heartbroken to death, discouraged to the ground
We will make you die laughing even if we die
Woowoohoo 我把傷心留給自己
Woowoohoo I keep my sorrows to myself
Woowoohoo 我將快樂帶俾你
Woowoohoo I bring you joy
唔理你 唔理你
Don't care about you, don't care about you
就算你傷心到要死 灰心到貼地
Even if you are heartbroken to death, discouraged to the ground
We will make you die laughing even if we die
我哋就係 將大家嘅傷心通通消化
We digest everyone's sorrows
Turn anger into jokes to make you laugh out loud
流眼淚 太丟架
Shedding tears is too humiliating
就算心情超差 面對大家
Even if I'm in a bad mood, facing everyone
我從來只會係嘻嘻哈哈 好似
I will always be cheerful and playful like
啞子吃黃蓮 假使 幾苦 我都同你講到係甜
A mute eating Coptis, even if it's bitter, I'll tell you it's sweet
No need for pity
我嘅天職 係編織你短暫快樂嘅回憶
My mission is to weave short-lived happy memories for you
我盡力 修飾生活嘅 壓迫 等你 休一休息
I try my best to decorate the oppression of life, so that you can take a break
所以我 傷心唔上心 所有委屈我照吞
So I don't take my sorrows to heart, I swallow all my grievances
傷害埋我屋企人 我流眼淚不留痕
Even if my family is hurt, I shed tears without a trace
呢度已經夠多仇恨 唔使多我一個人
There's enough hatred here, don't add me
要知道 反擊係容易 要放負係容易
Know that it's easy to fight back, it's easy to be negative
但係我哋 就係嚟做啲難做嘅事
But we are here to do what is difficult
正當你揸緊中指 我都鍾意令你放鬆啲
Just when you're holding up your middle finger, I'd rather make you relax
我哋義不容辭 用淚水 種出 最快樂嘅種子
We are duty-bound, with tears, to sow the seeds of the greatest happiness
我把傷心 留給自己
I keep my sorrows to myself
I give you all the joy
可不可以 可不可以
Can you, can you
可不可以 想起我
Can you think of me
Woowoohoo 我把傷心留給自己
Woowoohoo I keep my sorrows to myself
Woowoohoo 我將快樂帶俾你
Woowoohoo I bring you joy
唔理你 唔理你
Don't care about you, don't care about you
就算你傷心到要死 灰心到貼地
Even if you are heartbroken to death, discouraged to the ground
We will make you die laughing even if we die
Woowoohoo 我把傷心留給自己
Woowoohoo I keep my sorrows to myself
Woowoohoo 我將快樂帶俾你
Woowoohoo I bring you joy
唔理你 唔理你
Don't care about you, don't care about you
就算你傷心到要死 灰心到貼地
Even if you are heartbroken to death, discouraged to the ground
We will make you die laughing even if we die

Writer(s): C Kwan

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