1 Alkoolika stichakia (Drunken Verses)
2 Na valo ta metaksota (I Will Weak Silk)
3 Metho ke talantevome (I Get Drunk and Stagger)
4 Logia, tsigara (Words, Cigarettes)
5 Tou Christara (For Christara)
6 Fairuz (Fairuz)
7 Otan tragoudao (When I Sing)
8 Argonaftes , Pezonaftes (Argonauts , Pesonauts)
9 Ah! Na perasi o piretos (O, Fever Come to an End)
10 Tessera filia (Four Kisses)
11 Milo gia sena (I Tell of You)
12 Ta lafira tis nichtas (The Spoils of Night)
13 Aleksandra (Alexandra)
14 Psachno to tragoudi (I Seek the Song)
15 Deka Lefkes (Ten Silver poplars)
16 Me Meli (With Honey)
17 I Fregada (The Frigate)
18 Mideia (Medea)
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