1 The Ship Continues the Mission Landing on Mercury with Laniru in Disbelief over Jonesy’s Death
2 Laniru, Andar and Captain Funktion Exit the Ship and Encounter the Oracle Jenet Sais for the First Time
3 The Oracle Jenet Sais Introduces Herself and Informs Our Hereos She Can No Longer Give Visions or Guidance
4 Laniru Now Realizes Why There Was No Vision of Jonesy’s Death and That the Use of the Solar Plasma Blaster Is Not a Sure Thing
5 Three Enemy Ships Commanded by the Noquinon Land Nearby as Our Heroes Unload the Solar Plasma Blaster
6 As They Setup the Great Weapon Our Hereos Are Outmatched in a Vicious Battle and Begin to Lose the Fight
7 The Weapon Is Readied but Our Heroes All Perish in the Attack Except for a Mortally Wounded Laniru
8 A Dying Laniru Activates the Solar Plasma Blaster Sending a Shockwave Throughout the Universe, Freeing All Peoples from Their Brainwashed Enslavement
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