feat. Ray - 日の出ずる国 - перевод текста песни на английский

日の出ずる国 - Rayперевод на английский

The Land of the Rising Sun
どこへ向かうこの国は 日の出ずる国小さな島国で
Where is this country heading, the Land of the Rising Sun, small island nation?
生きていく俺ら このままでいいと思いますか?
We live here, my love. Do you think this is enough?
どこへ向かうこの国は 色んな問題を抱えたまま
Where is this country heading, with all these problems?
今の自分に何が出来る? 心に問いかける歌いながら
What can I do, as I sing these words, asking myself this question?
嫌なニュースが目に飛び込んだ 虐待されて子供が死んだ
I see horrible news, a child has died from abuse
無数の青あざ 火傷の跡 死亡原因は栄養失調
Covered in bruises and burns, malnutrition was the cause of death
子供がいてない俺だから 親の気持ちはまだ分からんが
I don't have children yet, so I can't understand a parent's pain
胸に渦巻くこの気持ち 消えるの見たくない小さな命
But my heart is heavy, I can't bear to see such a young life lost
暗い気分のままTV 眺めてる一人きり
I'm watching TV, feeling down, all alone
And a show comes on, a wealthy CEO's wife bragging about her life
片やストレス解消の道具 片や楽しい人生のトーク
For some, it's a way to escape stress, for others, it's a life of luxury
それを見て俺は何を思う 身近にある天国と地獄
As I watch, I think about the contrast, heaven and hell, so close
どこへ向かうこの国は 日の出ずる国小さな島国で
Where is this country heading, the Land of the Rising Sun, small island nation?
生きていく俺ら このままでいいと思いますか?
We live here, my love. Do you think this is enough?
どこへ向かうこの国は 色んな問題を抱えたまま
Where is this country heading, with all these problems?
今の自分に何が出来る? 心に問いかける歌いながら
What can I do, as I sing these words, asking myself this question?
2011 3.11 東日本を襲った一撃
March 11, 2011, an earthquake and tsunami struck eastern Japan
大勢の死傷者 流された建物 未曾有の悲劇
Many people died or were injured, buildings were destroyed, an unprecedented tragedy
さらに悪いのは まき散らされた放射能
And to make matters worse, radiation was released
こんな日本を 昔の人 未来の人 世界の人は どう思うだろう
I wonder what people in the past, in the future, and around the world think of Japan now
2020年東京オリンピック万歳 欲しいのは鐘と金や
2020 Tokyo Olympics, everyone's cheering for Japan, we want gold medals
そしてもっと欲しいのは 夢と希望と 安心や
But what we really need is dreams, hope, and peace of mind
Like judo, where we strive for excellence and win many matches
世界の見本になれる様に がんばれ日本!! Yeah!!
Let's show the world what we can do, let's go Japan!! Yeah!!
どこへ向かうこの国は 日の出ずる国小さな島国で
Where is this country heading, the Land of the Rising Sun, small island nation?
生きていく俺ら このままでいいと思いますか?
We live here, my love. Do you think this is enough?
どこへ向かうこの国は 色んな問題を抱えたまま
Where is this country heading, with all these problems?
今の自分に何が出来る? 心に問いかける歌いながら
What can I do, as I sing these words, asking myself this question?
We have so many conveniences, but why are we not happier?
I worry about taxes and pensions, can we afford to pay for them in the future?
自殺 蒸発 引きこもり 可哀そうやけど明日は我が身やんけ
Suicide, disappearance, withdrawal from society, it's sad, but it could happen to any of us
There are countries with much worse conditions, but why don't we notice them?
もっと良くなって欲しい 俺が生きていくこの国
I want my country to be a better place, for me and for all of us
したくない 見て見ぬふり知らんぷり けど自分の生活も大事
I don't want to ignore problems or pretend they don't exist, but I also have to take care of myself
出口の見えない問題多過ぎて 何が出来るか分からずに
The problems are endless, I feel lost, I don't know what I can do
暗い部屋で思う一人ぼっち 俺が向かう明日はどっち!?
In this dark room, I sit alone, wondering about the future, what does it hold for me?
どこへ向かうこの国は 日の出ずる国小さな島国で
Where is this country heading, the Land of the Rising Sun, small island nation?
生きていく俺ら このままでいいと思いますか?
We live here, my love. Do you think this is enough?
どこへ向かうこの国は 色んな問題を抱えたまま
Where is this country heading, with all these problems?
今の自分に何が出来る? 心に問いかける歌いながら
What can I do, as I sing these words, asking myself this question?

Авторы: Seiji“junior”kawabata, Dozan

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