Reno & Smiley - He Will Forgive You текст песни

Текст песни He Will Forgive You - Reno & Smiley

Over in Jerusalem, they nailed Him to the cross
There, between two thieves, He died that the world might not be lost
One thief was a doubtful man, and this is what he said
"If You be the Jesus, take the thorns from of up Your head"
Oh, come, all you sinners, and get on bended knee
And ask forgiveness from the Man that died on Calvary
He will forgive you of your every sin
And you can go to Heaven with Him when He comes again
The other asked forgiveness of his worldly sin
"Remember me in Heaven when You come again"
Jesus answered sinner, "Here, I'll pay the price
And for your trust today, you'll be with Me in Paradise"
Oh, come, all you sinners, and get on bended knee
And ask forgiveness from the Man that died on Calvary
He will forgive you of your every sin
And you can go to Heaven with Him when He comes again

Авторы: Don Reno, Red Smiley, Carlton Haney

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