中田裕二 - 春雷 - перевод текста песни на английский

春雷 - 中田裕二перевод на английский

Thunder in the Spring
現れたそれは春の真っ最中 えも言えぬまま輝いていた
You appeared in the middle of spring, shining with an indescribable light.
No words or gestures seem to be enough.
その日から僕の胸には嵐が 住み着いたまま離れないんだ
From that day on, a storm has taken up residence in my heart, and it won't leave.
人の声を借りた 蒼い眼の落雷だ
It's a blue-eyed thunderbolt that has borrowed a human voice.
揺れながら踊るその髪の黒が 他のどれより嫋やかでした
Your dancing hair, as black as night, sways and flows, more graceful than anything else.
すっと消えそうな 真っ白い肌によく似合ってました
Your skin is so fair and delicate, as if it could vanish at any moment.
あなたにはこの世界の彩りが どう見えるのか知りたくて今
I yearn to know how you see the colors of this world.
頬に手を伸ばした 壊れそうでただ怖かった
I reached out to touch your cheek, but I was too afraid that you would break.
全てはあなたの思い通り 悲しくって散らばった思いも全て
Everything is as you wish it to be, even the scattered thoughts of my broken heart.
You have given me this gift.
ゆらゆら吹かれて深い惑い 痛み 憂い 恋しい
I am filled with a deep sense of bewilderment, pain, sorrow, and longing.
言葉にするのも 形にするのも そのどれもが覚束なくって
I am too clumsy to put it into words or give it form.
ただ目を見つめた するとあなたはふっと優しく笑ったんだ
I simply looked into your eyes, and you smiled gently.
嗄れた心も さざめく秘密も 気がつけば粉々になって
My raspy heart and my murmuring secrets shattered into a million pieces.
刹那の間に 痛みに似た恋が体を走ったんだ
In that instant, a pain that felt like love coursed through my body.
深い惑い痛み憂い繰り返し いつの間にか春になった
The deep sense of bewilderment, pain, and sorrow repeated itself, and before I knew it, spring had arrived.
甘い香り残し陰り恋焦がし 深く深く迷い込んだ
Leaving behind a sweet fragrance, you faded away, leaving me lost in a haze of longing.
花びらが散ればあなたとおさらば それなら僕と踊りませんか
When the petals fall, I will bid you farewell. Will you dance with me before you go?
The flowers that are dancing in the air remind me of you, and I am utterly undone.
やがてまた巡りくる春の最中 そこは豊かなひだまりでした
The next time spring comes around, it will be a time of rich warmth.
身をやつしてやまない あんな嵐はどこへやら
That tempestuous storm has long since disappeared, leaving only a quiet calm.
まだまだ心は帰れない その細い声でどうか騙しておくれ
My heart still longs for you. Please, deceive me with your sweet voice.
Until I am completely withered and dry.
ふらふら揺られて甘い香り 残し 陰り
I am filled with a sweet fragrance, leaving behind a haze of longing and illusion.
聞きたい言葉も 言いたい想いも 笑うくらい山ほどあって
There are so many things I want to hear you say, so many things I want to tell you, that it makes me laugh.
それでもあなたを前にすると 何にも出てはこないなんて
But when I am in front of you, nothing comes out at all.
焦げ付く痛みも 刺し込む痺れも 口をつぐんだ恋とわかって
I understand that my burning pain and my sharp numbness are a sign of unspoken love.
あなたの心に 橋をかける大事な雷雨だと知ったんだ
I know that you are the thunder that will bridge the gap in my heart.
どうか騙しておくれ 「愛」と笑っておくれ
Please, deceive me. Laugh and say, "I love you."
いつか消える日まで そのままでいて
Stay as you are until the day you disappear.
どうか騙しておくれ 「愛」と笑っておくれ
Please, deceive me. Laugh and say, "I love you."
いつか消える日まで そのままでいて
Stay as you are until the day you disappear.
どうか騙しておくれ 「愛」と笑っておくれ
Please, deceive me. Laugh and say, "I love you."
いつか消える日まで そのままでいて
Stay as you are until the day you disappear.
どうか騙しておくれ 「愛」と笑っておくれ
Please, deceive me. Laugh and say, "I love you."
いつか消える日まで そのままでいて
Stay as you are until the day you disappear.
言葉にするのも 形にするのも そのどれもが覚束なくって
I am too clumsy to put it into words or give it form.
ただ目を見つめた するとあなたはふっと優しく笑ったんだ
I simply looked into your eyes, and you smiled gently.
嗄れた心も さざめく秘密も 気がつけば粉々になって
My raspy heart and my murmuring secrets shattered into a million pieces.
刹那の間に 痛みに似た恋が体を走ったんだ
In that instant, a pain that felt like love coursed through my body.

Авторы: 中田 裕二

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