1 The Animal Fair
2 The Monkey and the Elephant
3 A Snake in the Grass
4 The Woodchuck Song
5 Pop Goes the Weasel
6 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
7 Three Little Fishies
8 The Flea Fly Song
9 Goosey Goosey Gander
10 Had a Little Rooster
11 The Bear
12 A-Goong Went the Little Green Frog
13 Baby Bumblebee
14 Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends
15 Donkey Riding
16 The Cat Came Back
17 Alice the Camel
18 Five Little Monkeys
19 Baa-Baa Black Sheep
20 B-I-N-G-O
21 The Ants Go Marching
22 There Was a Bee-i-ee-i-ee
23 The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
24 Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
25 Spiders and Snakes
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