Amancio Prada - Paseniño, Paseniño - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Amancio Prada - Paseniño, Paseniño

Paseniño, Paseniño
Little by Little
Paseniño, paseniño
Little by little
Vou pola tarde calada
I go in the silent afternoon
De Bastabales camiño.
On the road to Bastabales.
Paseniño, paseniño,
Little by little
Camiño do meu contento;
On the road to my contentment
I en tanto o sol non se esconde
And while the sun is not hidden
Nunha pedriña me sento.
I sit on a little stone.
E sentada estou mirando
And sitting, I am watching
Como a lua vai saíndo,
As the moon comes out
Como o sol se vai deitando.
And the sun goes down.
Cal se deita, cal se esconde
As one goes down, the other hides
Mentras tanto corre a lua
Meanwhile, the moon runs
Sin saberse para donde.
Without knowing where to.
Para donde vai tan soia
Where does it go so alone
Sin que aos tristes que a miramos
Without speaking or listening
Nin nos fale nin nos oia.
To us, the sad ones who watch it.
Que si oira e nos falara,
That if it would listen and speak to us
Moitas cousas lle dixera,
There are many things I would tell it
Moitas cousas lle contara.
Many things I would tell it.
Paseniño, paseniño
Little by little
Vou pola tarde calada
I go in the silent afternoon
De Bastabales camiño.
On the road to Bastabales.
Paseniño, paseniño,
Little by little

Авторы: Rosalia De Castro, Amancio Prada Prada

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