Renaissance Lute & Guitar Music, Folk Songs and Dances, Polyphonic, Ceremonial, Processional, Variations On Themes of Renaissance Spain, Holland, Germany, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland
дата релиза
1 English Queen Processional Ceremony Lute Music
2 Renaissance Lute Branle
3 French Lute Courante
4 Italian Renaissance Folk Dance
5 Portuguese Preludium
6 Renaissance German Folk Song
7 Flemish Folk Dance
8 Dresden Allemande
9 Branle De Lauto
10 Fortuna Anglese English Fortune Renaissance Lute Song
11 Italian Renaissance Dance
12 Polyphonic Prelude for Renaissance Lute
13 Ballet Music for Lute
14 Ukranian Renaissance Dance from Lviv
15 Spanish Renaissance Dance
16 Brussels Lute Allemande
17 Toccata for Renaissance Lute
18 Scottish Renaissance Dance
19 Air, Processional Music
20 Berlin Allemande
21 First Dance
22 Second Fortuna Anglese English Fortune Renaissance Lute Song
23 Munich Allemande
24 Irish Dance
25 Lauten Chorea
26 German Folk Song
27 Copengagen Allemande
28 Lute Allemand
29 French Preludium
30 Polish Courante
31 Spanish Alemand
32 Italian Florence Branle
33 Renaissance Love Song
34 Amsterdam Courante and Ballet
35 Ballade for Lute
36 Last Branle for Renaissance Lute
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