Atupa feat. Borja Penalba - De Burjassot a tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atupa feat. Borja Penalba - De Burjassot a tu

De Burjassot a tu
From Burjassot to You
De Burjassot a tu comença amb rises en un bar.
From Burjassot to you begins with laughter in a bar.
Ens haurien connectat, tu m'hauries convidat
We would've connected, you would've invited me for a drink,
Perquè no sol dur diners i no m'hauria semblat be.
Because I don’t usually carry cash, and it wouldn't have felt right.
I t'hagués donat les gràcies per vindre al concert.
And I would've thanked you for coming to the concert.
Desprès passegem fins a una antiga catedral
Then we walk to an old cathedral,
On ja fa molts anys, si hagueren vist què féiem,
Where many years ago, if they'd seen what we did,
Ens haurien manat cremar. A les portes del cel
They would've ordered us burned. At the gates of heaven,
Passaria lent el temps i ens haurien oblidat
Time would pass slowly and they would've forgotten us.
Els nostres respectius amics de tan tard que es podria fer.
Our respective friends, so late it could get.
No haguérem tornat si no fora per aquell taxista estranger.
We wouldn't have returned if it wasn't for that foreign taxi driver.
"Deuríem aprofitar", diria amb por de l'ultim bes
"We should take advantage," I would say, fearing the last kiss,
Sense importar-me que aquell home s'adonés del que hauríem fet.
Without caring if that man realized what we would have done.
En la nit descobriríem paradisos privats.
In the night we would discover private paradises.
Els meus dits agrairien la roba que t'hauries posat.
My fingers would be grateful for the clothes you would have worn.
Els teus llavis em dirien el seu desig sense parlar.
Your lips would tell me your desire without speaking.
I el taxímetre seria l'única prova, de què el temps no s'hauria aturat.
And the taximeter would be the only proof that time hadn't stopped.
Arribaríem tard, tu tornaries a pagar
We would arrive late, you would pay again,
I jo et preguntaria com t'ho podria tornar.
And I would ask you how I could return the favor.
Respondries que dormint al teu llit eixa nit
You would answer that by sleeping in your bed that night,
I abans que me n'adonara lluitaries damunt de mi.
And before I knew it, you would be fighting on top of me.
Les meves pupil•les s'obririen lentament
My pupils would open slowly,
Fins vore una àrea de dona sobre un espai fluorescent
Until I saw a woman's aura on a fluorescent space,
Que t'hauria protegit en les teves nits d'infància
That would have protected you in your childhood nights,
I després conversaríem sobre la nit, finalment,
And then we would talk about the night, finally,
Em preguntaries com hagués sigut perfecta
You would ask me how it had been perfect,
I sols podria contar-te-la tal com havia passat.
And I could only tell you as it had happened.
Passant-la a condicional, sense afegir-ne cap detall
Putting it in the conditional, without adding any detail,
I amb música, el llenguatge mes perfecte que n'hi ha.
And with music, the most perfect language there is.
Passant-la a condicional, sense afegir-ne cap detall
Putting it in the conditional, without adding any detail,
I amb música, el llenguatge mes perfecte que n'hi ha.
And with music, the most perfect language there is.
Descobrírem que estes coses duren una nit.
We would discover that these things last one night.
Que només l'atzar o el pas del tems ens tornarà a unir.
That only chance or the passage of time will bring us together again.
Però el record ens acompanya on vages i on estiga jo
But the memory accompanies us wherever you go and wherever I am,
I potser que l'univers torne a deixar-nos assaborir la perfecció
And maybe the universe will let us savor perfection again.
Descobrírem que estes coses duren una nit.
We would discover that these things last one night.
Que només l'atzar o el pas del tems ens tornarà a unir.
That only chance or the passage of time will bring us together again.
Però el record ens acompanya on vages i on estiga jo
But the memory accompanies us wherever you go and wherever I am,
I potser que l'univers torne a deixar-nos assaborir la perfecció
And maybe the universe will let us savor perfection again.
Descobrírem que estes coses duren una nit.
We would discover that these things last one night.
Que només l'atzar o el pas del tems ens tornarà a unir.
That only chance or the passage of time will bring us together again.
Però el record ens acompanya on vages i on estiga jo
But the memory accompanies us wherever you go and wherever I am,
I potser que l'univers torne a deixar-nos assaborir la perfecció
And maybe the universe will let us savor perfection again.

Авторы: Atupa

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