BAP - Alptraum eines Opportunisten - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BAP - Alptraum eines Opportunisten

Alptraum eines Opportunisten
An Opportunist's Nightmare
Ich kohm ahn ne Buhrehoff un ich wohr unwahrscheinlich mööt.
I came to a farm, incredibly tired.
Ich daach: He hällste eez ahn, fröchs Buhr he noh nem Bett.
I thought: I'll stop here, ask the farmer for a bed.
Ich roofen: He, do drinne, ess do irjendeiner doheim?
I called out: Hey, inside, is anyone home?
Dobei stund ich op Trapp, un ich hatt ihßekahle Bein.
Standing on the step, my legs were turning numb.
Do kohm Buhr eruss, un ich daach, ich weed beklopp,
The farmer came out, and I thought I was going crazy,
Denn Kääl, hatt en Scheeß, die heelt mir vüür minge Kopp.
Because the guy had a gun pointed right at my head.
Ich fallen op de Knee un benn am ziddere vüür Angs un saare:
I fell to my knees, trembling with fear, and said:
Buhre fing ich joot, öm Jotteswille, leeve Mann!
I love farmers, for God's sake, dear man!
Do entsichert sing Scheeß un fäng laut ze brülle ahn:
He uncocks his gun and starts yelling loudly:
Vun X-Ypsilon weiß ich, dat mer keinem traue kann.
From X-Ypsilon, I know you can't trust anyone.
Ich saare: Leeve Mann, mir künnt ihr traue. Ich söök nur e Bett.
I said: Dear man, you can trust me. I'm just looking for a bed.
Usserdämm studier ich Jura op der Universität.
Besides, I'm studying law at the university.
Dann kohm sing Dochter russ un säht: Gestatten, heiße Rita.
Then his daughter came out and said: Excuse me, my name is Rita.
Ich kräht direk ruude Uhre vun wäjen Dolce vita,
I immediately started fantasizing about a dolce vita,
Denn su ne Schoß hatt ich he bei Kappesbuhre nit erwaat.
Because I didn't expect such a beauty at this cabbage farm.
Och Vatter vun dämm Mädche wohr üvverhaupt nit staaz.
The girl's father wasn't stupid either.
Für mich enzeschmeicheln, säät ich: Levve Mann, ihr sidd op Zack.
To flatter him, I said: Dear man, you're on top of things.
Üch mäht keiner flöck jet vüür vun dämm janze Rattepack.
Nobody can pull a fast one on you from that whole rat pack.
En der Jungen Union benn ich - do luhrte intressiert.
I'm in the Young Union - he looked interested.
Dadropp hann ich met dämm Buhr en Veedelstund politisiert.
So, I spent a quarter of an hour talking politics with the farmer.
Ich säät: Farbentragen bring et, Mensuren schlagen och!
I said: Wearing colors is the way to go, dueling too!
Koot jesaat, ich kräät dat Bett, nur versprechen moot ich noch,
In short, I got the bed, but I had to promise,
Dat sing Dochter für mich Luff wöhr, sons kräht ich met ihm Zoff,
That his daughter would be off-limits for me, or I'd get into trouble,
Denn schließlich hieroht dat Mattes, dämm jehührt Nachbarhoff.
Because ultimately, she's supposed to marry Mattes, who owns the neighboring farm.
Un sing Köh sollt ich melke nächste Morje koot noh vier.
And I should milk his cows tomorrow morning just after four.
Ich säät: Affjemaht, levve Buhr, ich versprech et dir.
I said: Deal, dear farmer, I promise you.
Alles klar, mer jinge penne un et woor ald koot vüür zehn,
Alright, we went to bed, and it was already just before ten,
Do kohm et Rita ahn ming Bett un säht: Ich möchte mit dir gehn!
When Rita came to my bed and said: I want to go with you!
Nimm mich mit, zeig mir die Welt und ich zeige dir dafür,
Take me with you, show me the world, and in return I'll show you,
Wat alles unger mingem Naachthemp loss ess. - ich kunnt nix dofür.
Everything that's hidden under my nightgown. - I couldn't help myself.
Ich denke: Scheiße, flöck eruss he! Zoröck hielt mich dann nur
I thought: Shit, get out of here quickly! The only thing holding me back was
jottverdammte zweite Teil vun dämm beknackte Schwur.
The goddamn second part of that stupid oath.
Denn dämm sing Köh ze melke hatt ich ihm versproche vüür zwei Stund,
Because I had promised to milk his cows two hours ago,
Denn do kunnt ich noch nit wesse, wie jetzt et Rita vüür mir stund:
Back then, I couldn't have known how Rita would stand before me now:
Huhe Affsätz, Strappse, Netzströmp, transparentes Neglige.
High heels, garter belt, fishnet stockings, transparent negligee.
Levve Herrjott, loss Buhr nix merke, bitte hör mein Flehe!
Dear God, don't let the farmer notice anything, please hear my plea!
Doch dat woor nix met dämm Bedde, denn op eimohl woot et hell
But there was no way to stay in bed, because suddenly it became bright
Un minge Buhr stund en der Düür un säht: Dat ess he kei Hotel!
And my farmer stood in the doorway and said: This is not a hotel!
Un dat Flittschen - Rita meinte - sick wann ess dat ald bei dir?
And the hussy - he meant Rita - when will that finally stop with you?
Öm en affzelenke, säht ich: Kohl ess Kappes, Strauß e Dier,
To distract him, I said: Cabbage is kale, bouquet is an animal,
Alfred Dregger ne Verbrecher un Löwental en Sau.
Alfred Dregger a criminal and Löwental a pig.
Levve Buhr, maach keine Wind, schließlich ess dat Kind en Frau!
Dear farmer, don't make a fuss, after all, the child is a woman!
Besser hätt ich dat jelosse, dann wöhr alles nit passiert, denn ming Ablenkungsmanöver woor doch ärsch improvisiert.
I should have left it at that, then nothing would have happened, because my diversionary maneuver was pretty improvised.
En Eile hatt ich mich verdonn un alles falsch gemaht,
In my haste, I messed up and did everything wrong,
Ävver klevver wie ich woor, hann ich dann noch flöck jesaht:
But clever as I was, I quickly added:
Meister Proper fing ich prima! Adenauer, hatt rääsch!
I think Meister Proper is great! Adenauer, he was right!
Inge Meisel an die Macht! Dobei woot et mir dann schlääsch.
Inge Meisel to power! Then I got scared.
Un schon fing ich ahn ze kozze. Dobei hann ich noch erwähnt,
And I started coughing. I also mentioned,
Dat ich Leutnant der Reserve wöör em Garderegiment.
That I was a lieutenant in the reserve in the guards regiment.
GSG 9 heeß Laade, un do köhm nur erenn,
GSG 9 is the name of the shop, and only those who are,
ne echte deutsche Kääl ess, wie ich ess eine benn.
A real German guy, like me, get in.
Zäh wie Leder, hart wie Kruppstahl, ne Windhund övverhöllt,
Tough as leather, hard as Krupp steel, fast as a greyhound,
Un blond ess, blaue Aure hätt, hann ich dämm Buhr verzällt.
And blond with blue eyes, I told the farmer.
Wenn dat su ess, säht Buhr, Jung, dann will ich nit esu sinn:
If that's the case, the farmer said, young man, then I won't be so:
Nächste Sonndaach weet jehieroot, sulang blievs do he drinn.
Next Sunday we'll get married, until then you'll stay here.
Un su woot et och jemaht. Sick dämm liej ich ahn der Kett,
And that's what happened. Now I'm chained to them,
Un et Rita ess ming Frau, un Buhr, ess jetz nett.
And Rita is my wife, and the farmer, he's nice now.
Ich bin Schützenkönig, Bürjermeister, Kirch-Chor-Dirigent,
I am the shooting king, mayor, church choir conductor,
Un dat alles nur, weil unsereins nit jähn em Freie pennt!
And all because one of us didn't sleep outside!

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