Stell
dir
vüür,
du
wöörs
em
Wald
un
hätts
en
Axt
bei.
Stell
dir
vüür,
ding
Frau
wöör
och
dobei.
Stell
dir
vüür,
ne
Kääl
köhm,
jöhv
ihr
Schokolädche,
dä
tröök
e
Mezz
eruss
un
jing
ihr
an
de
Bein.
Jo,
wat
däätste
dann?
Däätste
maache
Mann?
Saach
mer,
wehrste
dich?
Oder
leetzte
dann
ding
Frau
em
Stech?
Eeztens
nöhm
ich
mir
ens
flöck
dat
Schokolädche
Zweitens
däät
ich
waade,
bess
hä
fädisch
wöör
Drittens
künnt
ich
en
dä
Zick
paar
Christbäum
schlaare
Viertens
köhm
am
Eng
do
optisch
jet
bei
römm.
Fünftens
däät
ich
dann,
en
sein
rauche
Mann
denn:
Sextens
suwiesu
wöör
ich
se
quitt
un
dann
wöhr
ich
fruh.
Stell
dir
füür,
do
jings
spaziere
op
der
Huhstrooß
unger
dingem
Ärm
hättste
e
Stell
dir
vüür,
do
leef
op
eimohl
einer
Amok
ballet
en
de
Lück,
met
enem
Jewehr.
Jo,
wat
däätste
dann?
Däätste
maache
Mann?
Saach
mer,
wehrste
dich?
Oder
leetzte
dann
die
Lück
em
Stech?
Eeztens
jing
ich
dann
ens
flöck
nohm
"Foto
Porst"
renn,
für
en
neu
Kasett
für
ming
Polaroid.
Zweitens
däät
ich
dann
de
Bildzeidung
ahnroofe
für
′ne
Exklusivbericht
op
Seite
eins,
drittens
däät
ich
dann
och
ens
laade,
Mann,
viertens
frank
un
frei
triff
einer
nit
esu
vill
wie
zwei.
Stell
dir
vüür,
do
sitz
doheim
en
dingem
Jaade,
nevven
dir
do
stünd
e
Flugabwehrjeschütz,
bovven
en
der
Luff,
do
köhm
e
russisch
Fluchzeuch,
dat
will
en
H-Bomb
schmieße,
eh
et
sich
verdröck.
Jo,
wat
däätste
dann?
Däätste
maache
Mann?
Saach
mer,
wehrste
dich?
Oder
leetzte
dann
ding
Stadt
em
Stech?
Ich
jläuf,
do
däät
ich
eez
e
Stündche
drövver
schloofe,
dann
reef
ich
ming
Fründe
ahn,
noh
der
Reih:
"Saat
Männ,
künnt
ihr
mir
ens
jraad
ming
Kanon
ahnschiebe
helfe?"
un
dann
köhm
ich
he
bei
dä
Kommission
vorbei.
Kreiswehrersatzamt
wööt
dann
ömjelapp
un
et
wöör
vorbei
met
dä
affjewichste
Frorerei.
Imagine
that
you're
in
the
woods
and
you
have
an
axe.
Imagine
that
your
wife
was
also
there.
Imagine
that
a
guy
came
and
grabbed
her
chocolate,
he
pulled
out
a
knife
and
went
for
her
legs.
Yes,
what
would
you
do
then?
What
would
you
do,
man?
Tell
me,
would
you
fight
back?
Or
would
you
leave
your
wife
in
the
lurch?
First,
I'd
quickly
grab
that
chocolate.
Second,
I'd
wait
until
he
was
finished.
Third,
could
chop
down
a
few
Christmas
trees
while
I'm
at
it.
Fourth,
something
visually
appealing
would
come
out
of
it
in
the
end.
Fifth,
I'd
then
watch
him
smoke
a
cigarette.
Sixth,
I'd
get
rid
of
him
for
good
and
then
I'd
be
happy.Imagine
that
you're
walking
down
the
street
with
an
under
your
arm.
Imagine
that
suddenly
someone
runs
amok,
shooting
people
with
a
gun.
Yes,
what
would
you
do
then?
What
would
you
do,
man?
Tell
me,
would
you
fight
back?
Or
would
you
leave
the
people
in
the
lurch?
First,
I'd
quickly
run
to
"Foto
Porst"
to
buy
a
new
cassette
for
my
Polaroid.
Second,
I'd
call
the
newspaper
for
an
exclusive
report
on
page
one.
Third,
I'd
load
my
gun,
because
one
bullet
doesn't
hit
as
many
people
as
two.Imagine
that
you're
sitting
at
home
in
your
bathrobe,
next
to
you
is
an
anti-aircraft
gun.
Up
in
the
air,
a
Russian
plane
is
approaching,
it
wants
to
drop
an
H-bomb
before
it
disappears.
Yes,
what
would
you
do
then?
What
would
you
do,
man?
Tell
me,
would
you
fight
back?
Or
would
you
leave
your
city
in
the
lurch?
Well,
I'd
take
a
nap
for
an
hour,
then
I'd
call
my
friends,
one
by
one:
"Hey
man,
can
you
help
me
push
my
cannon?"
And
then
I'd
go
to
the
commission.
The
military
recruitment
office
would
be
turned
upside
down
and
the
endless
nagging
would
be
over.