BAP - Weisste Noch? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BAP - Weisste Noch?

Weisste Noch?
Do you still remember?
kleine Jung do, met singer Labberledderbotz un dämm Facon-Schnitt, leider hinge vill ze koot
That little boy with the shabby leather pants and the too-short haircut
Met singem Frotteehemp, Nylonsocke un dämm Vüürkreechsrad
With his terrycloth shirt, nylon socks and pre-war bike
Ahn su 'nem Sommernommedaach vüürm Panorama singer hillije Stadt
On such a summer midday in front of the panorama of his holy city
die Wajons zällt vun Jüterzöch op der Südbröck
Who counted the wagons of the freight trains on the Südbrücke
Hätt off sing Rad jähn en Ring jeschmesse drop, em Bremserhüsje weg.
Had suddenly thrown his bike into the ring - right into the brakeman's hut.
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Mann, he dat Photo, om Balkon vum Onkel Fritz
Man, that photo, on Uncle Fritz's balcony
Em Sonndacahsahnzoch, luhr wie ärme Kääl do setz
In the Sunday afternoon suit, see how the poor guy sits there
Enjeklemp zwesche Kaffeedesch un singer huhtoupierte Tant
Squeezed between the coffee table and his hatted aunt
Vun der 'e nie begriffe hätt, wiesu jraad die nu jetz met ihm verwandt
From whom he never understood why she was related to him now
Mir dunn noch hück de Uhre wieh, wenn ich draan denke ahn Pissverzäll
My ears still hurt today when I think about the whining story
Die Non-Stop, Heuchel-Litanei un dat jekeifte Imponierjebell
The non-stop, hypocritical litany and the affected bragging
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Doch he: Martina!
But hey: Martina!
Mensch, woor ich scharf op dich, bloß ich woor Luff für dich, häss einfach durchjeluhrt durch mich
Man, I was so into you, but I was just air to you, you just looked right through me
Jetz, wo'sch dat Klassenphoto sinn, bild ich mir en, et rüsch sujar noh dir
Now, when I look at the class photo, I imagine that it even rushes towards you
Do rochs wie'n Mischung domohls zwesche Wrigley's Spearmint-Gum un 8 x 4
You smelled like a mixture of Wrigley's Spearmint gum and 8 x 4 back then
Met dingem lange blonde Zopp un dingem blaue Karo-Falderock
With your long blonde braid and your blue checkered skirt
Woors do die Göttin vun der Zwirnerstrooß un övverhaup vum janze Block
You were the goddess of Zwirnerstrasse and of the whole block
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Weißte noch?
Do you still remember?
Oh, all Weihrauch he, ming Kommunionskääz en Hand
Oh, all that incense, my communion candle in my hand
Der schönste Daach en dingem Lewe, hatten se jesaat
The most beautiful day of your life, they had said
Doch, dat die Nummer he en Fint woor, hatt ich janz jefährlich em Urin
But that this number was a fake, I had dangerously in my urine
Un ussjerechnet ahn dämm wieße Sonndaach jing mer en Saach nimieh uss'em Sinn
And on that white Sunday, of all days, one thing kept going through my mind
Ein met Martina un met Jüterzöch un irjendjet met vill Jeföhl
One with Martina and with freight trains and something with a lot of feeling
Ein ohne jede Jarantie, met der mer stolz setz zweschen alle Stöhl
One without any guarantee, with which we proudly sit between all the stools
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?
Ah, weißte noch?
Ah, do you still remember?

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