Babylon feat. Untell - She Is PorShe (feat. Untell) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Babylon feat. Untell - She Is PorShe (feat. Untell)

She Is PorShe (feat. Untell)
She Is PorShe (feat. Untell)
지금은 great beach
My current state is a great beach
예전의 이름은 graceless
My former name was graceless
만들어 파도 왜냐면 바다
I create waves because I'm the ocean
절대 흔들리지 않아
I will never be shaken
팬이 말했지 오빠는 나만 알고파
My fans tell me, "Oppa, only I know you"
제발 접어둬 마음
Please put away those thoughts
같은 애들이 십억이 되면
If there were a billion like you
해줄게 새벽 디엠창의
I'll give you an answer to your early morning DMs
뭐야 prob
What's my problem again?
너무나 연약
So fragile
랩은 잘하는데 유리멘탈
Good at rapping, but mentally weak
미안하지만 이건 절대 바껴
I'm sorry, but that will never change
하지만 바꿔 판의 다음
However, I'll change the next round
그니까 빨리 따라
So follow me quickly
오는 놈, 별명은 아마도 쫄보새끼
If you can't keep up, your nickname might be coward
Kendrick Lamar 존나 좋아하지
I really like Kendrick Lamar
영향은 받아도 마지막엔 me
I may be influenced, but in the end, it's me
Oh hey look around beach
Oh hey look around the beach
누가 rookie야? nah shit
Who's the rookie again? Nah shit
시다바릴 패지 화가
Sidavril's page angry with rage
shuttle cockles 치는 racket
I'm racket playing shuttle cocks
애초에 달라 rhyme 체계
My rhyme scheme was different from the beginning
너무 희귀종 like vj
Like VJ, too rare
랩이 안돼서 래퍼가 되려
You rap poorly so you want to become a rapper
민심을 사지 마치 bj
Don't buy favor like a blowjob
작은 것들에도
Even in small things, drain the pus
그래서 절대 취해
That's why I never get drunk
나태함에게는 민폐
Lazy people are a nuisance
역할이야 병신아 이게
My role is a cripple, you see
시간은 계속해 흐르지만
Time keeps flowing
귀속되지 않아 시대에
But I don't belong to any era
내가 추구하는 것은 영원
What I pursue is my eternity
백년뒤에도 replay
Replay even after a hundred years
내가 new king
I'm the new king
대접해 미리 새시대의
Treat me early, the light of a new era
나는 체험중일뿐야 거지
I'm just experiencing being a beggar
부정하고 싶었지만
I wanted to deny it
필요해 대기만성
But I need chronic asthma
그릇의 크기
The size of my bowl
너무도 커, 여기보다 크기에
Too big, bigger than this
비애는 그저 지금 취하는 지금
My sorrow is just my current indulgence
발은 workroom
My feet are my workroom
모두 뿌리치고 다시 move
Pushing everything away and moving again
역시 노래꾼 나도 자기애가 있어
やはり I'm a singer who loves myself
그래서 줄건 도예품
So I'll give you my pottery
그릇을 만들어
Make my bowl
키우지 담기에 작으면
If it's too small to hold, make it bigger
시선은 고정, 실력은 바꾸며
Eyes fixed, skills changing
나아가지 목표들에 닿으면서
Reaching my goals and getting closer
매일 alone
I'm alone every day
성공 내겐 대입 우울함이 애인
Success is my university entrance exam, depression is my lover
목표는 대입 이혼
The goal is to divorce the entrance exam
일의 몫은 내일의 호응이자 이룰
My work is tomorrow's response and what I will achieve
타이를 강박, 죄이는
An obsessive tie, a guilty neck
때는 그때 일어서지 내일의 촉이 오면
The time is coming soon, stand up when tomorrow's urge comes
그전에는 죄인의
Until then, the neck of a sinner
발전가능성을 맛봐
Taste the potential for growth
상대를 내면 안에서 나이를 먹어
Look at my opponent, getting older inside
차이를 벌려 이룰
Make a difference and achieve it all
물고서 감상해 감을 잡어
Everything is in your mouth, appreciate it and I'll get the feeling
아는 놈, 너희들에겐 보여준 goals
People who know me, I've shown you my goals
절대 무너져 no dominois
Never fall, no dominos
무너질 dominos
Dominos that will fall
앞에서 기다릴 재목
The lumber waiting in front of it
너희를 계몽시켜줄 king
I'm the king who will enlighten you
Monopoly 태도 beach
Monopoly, my attitude is a beach
내가 새시대의 king
I'm the king of the new era
자만은 되려 멀리
Arrogance is rather far away
내가 무시해 원리
My disregard for the principle
내가 시대의 king
I am the king of the new era
성공 나에겐 시작
Your success is the beginning for me
내가 monopoly
I'm the monopoly
She is Porsche
She is Porsche
I got my eyes on you
I got my eyes on you
She Porsche
She Porsche
I got my eyes on you
I got my eyes on you
She Porsche, She she she Porsche
She Porsche, She she she Porsche
I got my eyes on you
I got my eyes on you
She Porsche
She Porsche

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