Benjamin Britten feat. Claire Watson, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, John Lanigan & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden - Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Glitter of Waves" текст песни

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Benjamin Britten feat. Claire Watson, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, John Lanigan & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden - Britten Conducts Britten: Operas, Vol. 1 - Albert Herring - Billy Budd - Owen Wingrave - Peter Grimes

1 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts, Op. 39: "Flor-ence! Tell the Midwife!"
2 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Peter Grimes, I Here Advise You!"
3 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts, Op. 39: "Doctor Jessop's Midwife"
4 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "The Truth...the Pity..."
5 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts, Op. 39: "I Hope We're Not Too Early, Florence?"
6 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Stuffy!"
7 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Oh, Hang At Open Doors"
8 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Now Then! Notebook, Florence!"
9 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Hi! Give Us a Hand"
10 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "The First Suggestion On My List"
11 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "I Have to Go from Pub to Pub"
12 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Is This All You Can Bring?"
13 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Let Her Among You"
14 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Beggin' Your Pardon"
15 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Look, the Storm Cone!"
16 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Right! We'll Have Him!"
17 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "And Do You Prefer the Storm"
18 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: Interlude
19 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "What Harbour Shelters Peace"
20 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Bounce Me High"
21 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Shop! Hi! Albert!"
22 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Tickling a Trout"
23 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "We Live and Let Live"
24 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Meet Me At a Quarter Past Eight"
25 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Have You Heard?"
26 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "He's Much Too Busy"
27 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Now the Great Bear and Pleiades"
28 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Good Morning, Young Man"
29 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "We Bring Great News to You"
30 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Isn't He Here?"
31 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "For Three Precious Weeks"
32 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Glitter of Waves"
33 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Quickly! Quickly, Come Along!"
34 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Let This Be a Holiday"
35 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op.39: "Here They Are, Dears!"
36 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "This Unrelenting Work"
37 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "My Flowers Are Few"
38 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Fool to Let It Come to This!"
39 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "I'm Full of Happiness"
40 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "What Is It?"
41 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "As Representing the Local Council"
42 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "People!...No! I Will Speak!"
43 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "My Heart Leaps Up With Joy"
44 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "We Planned That Their Lives"
45 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Er-humph! Er-humph! I'm No Great Shakes"
46 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Swallow! Shall We Go"
47 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Well Tried, Albert!"
48 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Now Is Gossip Put On Trial"
49 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "From the Gutter"
50 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "You Oughtn't to Whistle!"
51 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves!"
52 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Go There!"
53 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: Introduction
54 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Now!...Now!"
55 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Is She Asleep?"
56 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Peter Grimes! Nobody Here?"
57 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "I'm Hungry, I'm Tired"
58 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Give Me a Decent Murder With a Corpse!"
59 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Assign Your Prettiness to Me"
60 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Have You Found Him?"
61 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Pah!"
62 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Fools! Fools! Blundering Fools!"
63 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Come Along, Doctor!"
64 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "In the Midst of Life Is Death"
65 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Embroidery In Childhood"
66 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Albert!"
67 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Mr.Swallow!"
68 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "I'm Sorry About That"
69 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Who Holds Himself Apart"
70 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "I Can't Remember Everything"
71 Albert Herring, Opera in 3 Acts Op. 39: "Albert's Come Back to Stay"
72 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Grimes! Grimes!"
73 Owen Wingrave, an Opera in 2 Acts, Op. 85: Prelude
74 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: You've Got Your Maps There?
75 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "To Those Who Pass the Borough"
76 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: At Last It's Out
77 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Your Sherry, Mrs. Coyle
78 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Oh, How Unforeseen
79 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Sirrah! How Dare You!
80 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Coyle, I Wish I Had Not Come
81 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: May God Bless the Queen
82 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: There Was a Boy, a Wingrave Born
83 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: I Envy You, This Fine Old House
84 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Paramore Shall Welcome Woe!
85 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: And With His Friend Young Lechmere Played
86 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Now You May Save Your Scornful Looks
87 Owen Wingrave, an Opera in 2 Acts, Op. 85: Ah, Owen, What Shall I Do?
88 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Is That You, Coyle?
89 Owen Wingrave, an Opera In 2 Acts, Op. 85: Come In...It's Me, Lechmere
90 Billy Budd - Opera in 2 Acts, Op. 50: I Am an Old Man
91 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Pull, My Bantams!
92 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Guard Boat! Indomitable!
93 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: First Man Forward!
94 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Your Name? Billy Budd, Sir
95 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Billy Budd, King of the Birds!
96 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: I Heard, Your Honour!
97 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Come Along Kid! Come Along!
98 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Christ, the Poor Chap!
99 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: What's That? What's Those Whistles?
100 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Starry Vere We Call Him
101 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Boy! My Compliments to Mr. Redburn
102 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Gentlemen, the King!
103 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: We Are, Sir. Claggart Is an Able One
104 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Blow, Blow, Blow
105 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: We're Off to Samoa By Way of Genoa
106 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Hi! You A... A... A...
107 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Over the Water...Handsomely Done
108 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Come Here. Remember Your Promise
109 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Billy! Hist! Billy Budd!
110 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Dansker, Old Friend, Glad to See You
111 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: I Don't Like the Look of the Mist
112 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: With Great Regret I Must Disturb Your Honour
113 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Deck Ahoy! Enemy Sail On Starboard Bow
114 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Who'll Volunteer to Board 'em
115 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: There You Are Again, Master-at-arms
116 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: O This Cursed Mist
117 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Claggart, John Claggart, Beware!
118 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Master-at-arms and Foretopman
119 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: God O' Mercy! Here, Help Me!
120 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Gentlemen, William Budd Here Has Killed
121 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: William Budd, You Are Accused By Captain Vere
122 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Poor Fellow, Who Could Save Him?
123 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Look! Through the Port
124 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Here! Baby! Dansker, Old Friend
125 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: And Farewell to Ye
126 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: According to the Articles of War
127 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: Down All Hands! and See That They Do
128 Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: We Committed His Body to the Deep
129 Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "Peter Grimes!"

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