Bläck Fööss - Medley 2000 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bläck Fööss - Medley 2000 (Live)

Medley 2000 (Live)
Medley 2000 (Live)
Kölle, du uns Stadt am Rhing
Cologne, our city on the Rhine
Heimat schon von Anbejinn
Home since the very beginning
He sin mir jebore un die Treu op Iwcihkeit
Here we were born and our loyalty forever
Hammer dir jeschwore
We swore to you
Denn du, du blievs beston
Because you, you will endure
Wees niemols ungerjon
Never perish
Mamm, Mamm, schnapp d'r de Pann
Mom, Mom, grab the pan
Mir wolle Rievkooche han
We want potato pancakes
Mamm, Mamm, fang doch flöck an
Mom, Mom, get started quickly
Fuffzehn Stück pack op d'r Mann
Pack fifteen pieces per man
Rievkooche, dat es en Delikatess
Potato pancakes, that's a delicacy
Die schmecken am allerbess
They taste the very best
Un kriste noher jet Buchping, oh jess
And if you get some applesauce afterwards, oh yes
Do lähste dich flöck en de Kess
You'll quickly lie down in the bed
Wer Rievkooche eins hät erfunge
Whoever invented potato pancakes
Dat wor 'ne Erfinder janz jroß
That was a really great inventor
Denn dat es ihm jot jelunge
Because he did a good job
Och wenn et jet Öl hät jekoss
Even if it used some oil
Was solle mir met Austern un Schnecke?
What should we do with oysters and snails?
Wat solle mir met Spaghetti un Schlot?
What should we do with spaghetti and mud?
Mer loße uns Rievkoche schmecke
We'll enjoy potato pancakes
Un machen uns flöck e paar parat
And quickly make a few
Mamm, Mamm, schnapp d'r de Pann
Mom, Mom, grab the pan
Mir wolle Rievkooche han
We want potato pancakes
Mamm, Mamm, fang doch flöck an
Mom, Mom, get started quickly
Fuffzehn Stück pack op d'r Mann
Pack fifteen pieces per man
Rievkooche, dat es en Delikatess
Potato pancakes, that's a delicacy
Die schmecken am allerbess
They taste the very best
Un kriste noher jet Buchping, oh jess
And if you get some applesauce afterwards, oh yes
Do lähste dich flöck en de Kess
You'll quickly lie down in the bed
Op dem Hingerhoff is d'r Düvel widder loss
In the backyard, the devil is loose again
Denn die Schmitze Pänz sin widder im Revier
Because the Schmidt kids are back in the area
Se han sich in d'r Woll mit dem kleene Fritze Koll
They got into a fight with little Fritze Koll
Weil die Mam vun dem in Hoffnung is
Because his mom is expecting
Un singe
And sing
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Ding Mama kritt schon widder e Kind
Your mama is having another child
Un singe
And sing
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Ding Mama kritt schon widder e Kind
Your mama is having another child
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Ding Mama kritt schon widder e Kind
Your mama is having another child
Un singe
And sing
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Sha-la-la-la Na Na Na Na Na Na
Ding Mama kritt schon widder e Kind
Your mama is having another child
De Stadt dt noch schlofe
The city is still sleeping
Wenn die drei sich trofe
When the three of us meet
Mer dt noch jet schwaade
We still have to chat a bit
Die eetste Tour fahre
Take the first tour
D ein det mer kenne, ne andre dt penne
We know one, another is sleeping
Manch einer dt renne, doch jeder kohm ahn
Some are running, but everyone comes
Die Zick vun d 3, op d'r Linie 2
The time of the 3, on line 2
Die es schon zick langem, zick langem vorbei
That has been a long time, a long time ago
Des morjens, do fuhr mer zosamme erus
In the mornings, we used to ride out together
Hück führt nur noch einer, de Bahn oder Bus
Today only one drives, the train or bus
Hück führt nur noch einer, de Bahn oder Bus
Today only one drives, the train or bus
Hück führt nur noch einer, de Bahn oder Bus
Today only one drives, the train or bus
Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na
kennt en nit dolle Kähl
Who doesn't know that crazy Kähl
Der in d'r Wetschaft steht
Who stands in the pub
Nur große Sprüch am kloppe es
Only bragging about how good he is doing
Wie jot et ihm doch jeit
How well he is doing
3080 Mark em Mont sin netto bei ihm drinn
3080 Marks a month net are in his pocket
Ach Dach fürm nächste etzte dann
Oh dear, for the next end of the month
Löt sich nit mih sinn
He doesn't let himself be seen anymore
Dat sin die Lück, di jeder kennt
These are the people that everyone knows
Die künne nix doför
They can't help it
Doch steck nit och e janz klei Stück
But isn't there a little bit
Dovon in dir un mir
Of it in you and me
Muzepuckel, Affjebröhte, Schlofmötz un Filou
Grumpy, irritable, sleepyheads and scoundrels
Schluffe, Steuer, Klatschtant, Kötter
Slippers, taxes, gossips, cottagers
Lück wie ich un du
People like you and me
Dat sin die Lück, di jeder kennt
These are the people that everyone knows
Die künne nix doför
They can't help it
Doch steck nit och e janz klei Stück
But isn't there a little bit
Dovon in dir un mir
Of it in you and me
Muzepuckel, Affjebröhte, Schlofmötz un Filou
Grumpy, irritable, sleepyheads and scoundrels
Schluffe, Steuer, Klatschtant, Kötter
Slippers, taxes, gossips, cottagers
Lück wie ich un du
People like you and me

Авторы: Bläck Fööss, Erry Stoklosa, Günter Lückerath, Hartmut Priess, Joko Jänisch, Peter Schuetten, Tommy Engel

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