Bläck Fööss - Schötzefess - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bläck Fööss - Schötzefess - Live

Schötzefess - Live
Shooting Festival - Live
So, mer sin stolz euch unseren aller
So, we're proud to present to you our very own,
Aber wirklich allerletzten in diesem Jahrtausend amtierenden Schützenkönig
And I mean our very last reigning Shooting King of this millennium,
Hier und heute live in der nächsten Stunde vorführen zu können
Here and now, live in the next hour.
Er müsste jetzt hier irgendwo aus den Rängen aus der Tribüne kommen
He should be coming out of the ranks, out of the stands, somewhere around here.
Da kommt er: Peter, der erste! Empfangt ihn triumpfahl!
There he comes: Peter, the first! Give him a triumphant welcome!
(Eine, zwei, 17 un 4)
(One, two, 17 and 4)
De Stroß is jefääch un et Wedder nit schlääch
The street is swept clean and the weather's not bad,
Jirlande un Fähncher schmöcken d'r Wäch
Garlands and flags adorn the way.
Am Schötzeplatz steiht och et Zelt schon parat
The tent is already set up at the shooting range,
Et jrößte un schönste, et wood nit jespart
The biggest and most beautiful one, they spared no expense.
D'r Schötzezoch stellt sich am Spritzehuus op
The shooting club gathers at the fire station,
D'r Hoot fass om Kopp un de Botz schön salopp, ja!
Hats on their heads and their uniforms neat, yeah!
Hundertfuffzich Mann un en Fahn vürrendran
One hundred and fifty men and a flag out front,
Un de Musik fängk mem Schneewalzer an
And the band starts playing the "Schneewalzer" (Snow Waltz).
En ener Kutsch mit zwei Pääd
In a carriage with two horses,
Sitz d'r Künning drin un säät
Sits the King and says,
"Zwo, drei, Scheeße macht uns frei!"
"Two, three, shooting sets us free!"
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine,
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine.
Am Kriejerjedenkmal weed Halt jemaat
We halt at the war memorial,
Un d'r Adjutant hät en Jedenkreed parat
And the adjutant has a memorial speech ready.
nemmp singen Hoot av un sät wat denk
He takes off his hat and says what he thinks,
Et Leben is schwer un mer kritt nix jeschenk (stimmp?)
Life is hard and we get nothing for free (right?).
D'r Zapfenstreich lös jetz dat Trauerspill op
The tattoo now opens the tragedy,
Un jeschlosse marschier mer zum Schötzeplatz rop (jawoll)
And we march in formation up to the shooting range (yes indeed).
Hundertfuffzich Mann un en Fahn vürrendran
One hundred and fifty men and a flag out front,
Un de Musik fängk mem Schneewalzer an
And the band starts playing the "Schneewalzer" (Snow Waltz).
En ener Kutsch mit zwei Pääd
In a carriage with two horses,
Sitz d'r Künning drin un säät
Sits the King and says,
"Piff, puff, paff, d'r Vogel muß eraff!"
"Piff, puff, paff, the bird must come down!"
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine,
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine.
Em Fesszelt, do hält dann der Künning en Red
In the festival tent, the King then gives a speech,
Sing Frau sät noch flöck: "Heinz, nu mach bloß nix verkeet!"
His wife quickly adds: "Heinz, just don't mess up!"
Am Schluß vun Red, do steiht et janze Zelt op
At the end of the speech, the whole tent stands up,
Et Bier kütt eran un de Sekbar määt op! (Jott sei dank!)
The beer is brought in and the champagne bar opens! (Thank God!)
Hundertfuffzich Mann un en Fahn vürrendran
One hundred and fifty men and a flag out front,
Un de Musik fängk mem Schneewalzer an
And the band starts playing the "Schneewalzer" (Snow Waltz).
En ener Kutsch mit zwei Pääd
In a carriage with two horses,
Sitz d'r Künning drin un säät
Sits the King and says,
"Drei, vier, jetz jeiht et an et Bier!"
"Three, four, now it's time for beer!"
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine.
Hundertfuffzich Mann un en Fahn vürrendran
One hundred and fifty men and a flag out front,
Un de Musik fängk mem Schneewalzer an
And the band starts playing the "Schneewalzer" (Snow Waltz).
En ener Kutsch mit zwei Pääd
In a carriage with two horses,
Sitz d'r Künning drin un säät
Sits the King and says,
"Radetzki wor ne jute Mann... drissejal!"
"Radetzky was a good man... bottoms up!"
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine,
Jrön jrön jrön steiht d'r Schötzejunge schön (zack zack)
Green, green, green, the young shooter stands so fine (hurry, hurry).

Авторы: Reiner Hömig, Wolfgang Petry

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