Bobby van Jaarsveld - Net Vir Jou Acoustic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bobby van Jaarsveld - Net Vir Jou Acoustic

Net Vir Jou Acoustic
Just For You Acoustic
Hoe sou jy dit ooit verstaan, as jy nie weet waaroor dit gaan.
How could you ever understand, if you don't know what it's all about.
Hoe kan jy my so vermy, as jy dan se jy's lief vir my.
How can you avoid me like that, if you say you're in love with me.
Hoe kan jy dan aanhou se dat jy net vir my wil he!
How can you go on saying that you just want me!
Ek wil graag weet waar ons staan en waar ons gaan, want ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
I would like to know where we stand and where we're going, because I'm just waiting for you, just for you.
Kyk hier staan ek nou en wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
Look here I'm standing now and I'm just waiting for you, just for you.
Ooo ek staan en wonder hoe kan jy dan vir my se dat jy my liefhet
Ooo I stand and wonder how can you tell me you love me
As ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
If I'm waiting just for you, just for you.
Om my weer vas te hou...
To hold me again...
Hoe kan ek alles vir jou gee...
How can I give you everything...
As my hele hart vir my se nee.
When my whole heart is telling me no.
Jy se vir my dis als OK en ek moet net nog langer bly.
You tell me it's all OK and I should just stay longer.
Dan hou jy my vas en ek weet jy het klaar van my vergeet.
Then you hold me close and I know you've already forgotten about me.
Ek wil graag weet waar ons staan en waar ons gaan, want ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
I would like to know where we stand and where we're going, because I'm just waiting for you, just for you.
Kyk hier staan ek nou en wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
Look here I'm standing now and I'm just waiting for you, just for you.
Ooo ek staan en wonder hoe kan jy dan vir my se dat jy my liefhet
Ooo I stand and wonder how can you tell me you love me
As ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
If I'm waiting just for you, just for you.
Om my weer vas te hou...
To hold me again...
Ek voel dit deur my are, miskien net onervare
I feel it through my veins, maybe just inexperienced
Maar ek kan nie langer vir jou wag nie, ek kan nie langer nie nog 'n dag nie
But I can't wait for you any longer, I can't wait any longer not even another day
Jy is hier maar ek mis jou
You're here but I miss you
As ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou
As I wait just for you, just for you
Net vir jou, net vir jou
Just for you, just for you
Kyk hier staan ek nou en wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
Look here I'm standing now and I'm just waiting for you, just for you.
Ooo ek staan en wonder hoe kan jy dan vir my se dat jy my liefhet
Ooo I stand and wonder how can you tell me you love me
As ek wag net vir jou, net vir jou.
If I'm waiting just for you, just for you.
Om my weer vas te hou...
To hold me again...
Om my weer vas te hou...
To hold me again...
Om my weer vas te hou...
To hold me again...

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