Ara
mateix
enfilo
aquesta
agulla
amb
el
fil
d'un
propòsit
que
no
dic,
i
em
poso
a
apedaçar.
Let
me
thread
this
needle
right
now
with
the
thread
of
a
purpose
will
not
say,
and
will
patch
up.
Cap
dels
prodigis
que
enunciaven
taumaturgs
insignes
no
s'ha
complert,
i
els
anys
passen
de
pressa.
De
res
a
poc,
i
sempre
amb
vent
de
cara,
quin
llarg
camí
d'angoixa
i
de
silencis.
None
of
the
miracles
uttered
by
eminent
miracle-workers
have
been
fulfilled,
and
the
years
go
by
quickly.
From
nothing
to
little,
and
always
with
the
wind
against
us,
what
a
long
path
of
anguish
and
silence.
som
on
som,
mes
val
saber-ho
i
dir-ho,
i
assentar
els
peus
enterra
i
proclamar-nos
hereus
d'un
temps
de
dubtes
i
renuncies
en
que
els
sorolls
ofeguen
les
paraules,
i
amb
els
miralls
mig
estrafem
la
vida.
De
res
no
ens
val
l'enyora
o
la
complanta
ni
el
toc
de
displicent
malenconia
que
ens
posem
per
jersei
o
per
corbata
quan
sortim
al
carrer.
Tenim
a
penes
el
que
tenim
i
prou,
l'espai
concret
d'història
que
ens
pertoca,
i
un
minúscul
territori
per
viure-la.
Posem-nos
dempeus
altra
vegada
i
que
se
senti
la
veu
de
tots
solemnement
i
clara,
cridem
qui
som
i
que
tothom
ho
escolti,
i
en
cavat
que
cadascú
es
basteixi
com
bonament
li
plagui
i
via
fora.
Que
tot
està
per
fer,
i
tot
és
possible!
And
we
are
where
we
are,
it
is
better
to
know
and
say
it,
and
stand
on
the
ground
and
proclaim
ourselves
heirs
to
a
time
of
doubts
and
renunciations
in
which
the
noise
drowns
out
the
words,
and
with
the
mirrors
we
half
conceal
our
lives.
Nostalgia
or
complaints
are
of
no
use
to
us,
nor
is
the
touch
of
haughty
melancholy
that
we
put
on
for
a
sweater
or
a
tie
when
we
go
out
into
the
street.
We
have
barely
what
we
have
and
enough
of
it,
the
specific
space
of
history
that
belongs
to
us,
and
a
tiny
territory
in
which
to
live
it.
Let
us
stand
up
again
and
let
the
voice
of
all
be
heard
solemnly
and
clearly,
let
us
shout
who
we
are
and
let
everyone
hear
it,
and
let
each
one
build
himself
as
he
pleases
and
go
his
own
way.
For
everything
is
to
be
done,
and
everything
is
possible!