Brams - Sants Collons - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brams - Sants Collons

Sants Collons
Holy Balls
Aquí, la llibertat d'expressió vol dir haver de sentir xerrrar sempre els mateixos paios
Here, freedom of speech means having to constantly hear the same old farts blabber on,
Volguem, o no.
Like it or not.
Aquí, quan parlen de societat es refereixen a un torero i l'amante de l'exdona
Here, when they talk about society, they're referring to a bullfighter and the mistress of his ex-wife's
Del seu cunyat.
Tenen els sants collons de voler servir d'exemple a d'altres nacions
They have the holy balls to want to serve as an example to other nations,
Presentant com a model de democràcia un cap d'estat
Presenting as a model of democracy a head of state
Que amb el vot d'en Franco i prou va ser triat.
Who was elected with the vote of Franco and that was enough.
Aquí la democràcia vol dir que el poble pot triar els gestors dels oligarques,
Here, democracy means that the people can choose the managers of the oligarchs,
En eleccions.
In elections.
Aquí, quan diuen pau vol dir un democràtic estat de setge voluntari. Quan diuen pau,
Here, when they say peace, they mean a voluntary democratic state of siege. When they say peace,
Diuen esclau.
They mean slave.
Enfilats en els vots canvien els mots tots els devots marxen capcots amb el benentès que
Perched on votes, they change the words; all the devotees march headstrong with the understanding that
El significat de les paraules han pres és el més adequat i és que, ara de cop, sense haver
The meaning of words has taken on its most appropriate form, and that, now, suddenly, without having
Avisat tots plegats entenen per blanc allò que era gris, sempre havia estat gris, tota la puta
Been warned, everyone understands that white is what was gray, it had always been gray, all of life
Vida gris, i encara sembla gris, però, no gris pal·lid, no, gris-gris. No ho entenc.
Gray, and it still seems gray, but not pale gray, no, gray-gray. I don't understand.
Segurament ho veig malament. Deu ser blanc si coincideixen l'Aznar i els diaris i els
Surely I'm seeing it wrong. It must be white if Aznar and the newspapers and the
Noticiaris i els columnistes i onze ministres i els tertulians tan consens ja fa dubtar.
News programs and the columnists and eleven ministers and the commentators agree, such consensus makes one doubt.
Tot i que ho veig gris, clarament gris, si tots coincideixen que és blanc, serà que és blanc
Even though I see it gray, clearly gray, if everyone agrees that it's white, it must be white
Per gris que ho vegi no crec que menteixi tot el meu voltant. I collons diria que és gris,
However gray I see it, I don't think my whole surroundings are lying. And it takes balls to say it's gray,
Potser ho fa la llum o potser m'ho fan els ulls. Ho hauria jurat. M'hauré malfixat.
Maybe it's the light or maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me. I could have sworn. I must have looked badly.
Ara la qüestió és no dir que és gris, assumir que és blanc tot i que encara no ho tinc molt
Now the question is not to say that it's gray, to assume that it's white even though I still don't have it very
Clar perquè corre el rumor que els que ho veiem gris fem molta pudor. I estem mig sonats i
Clear because the rumor is spreading that those of us who see it gray smell bad. And we're half-crazy and
Som molt dolents per voler confondre la gent que és feliç creien que el gris no existeix
We're very bad for wanting to confuse the people who are happy believing that gray doesn't exist,
Que és un invent de quatre matatsper posar en qüestió la constitució, aquesta paleta d'un
That it's an invention of four half-wits, to question the constitution, that palette of only
Sol color per pintar de balnc, la ment de la gent o del to que els convingui en cada moment.
One color to paint the minds of the people white, or whatever shade suits them at each moment.

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