D.R. - Chicken Coop текст песни
D.R. Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop


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D.R. - 100 Efectos Sonoros, Vol. Ii
Альбом 100 Efectos Sonoros, Vol. Ii
дата релиза

1 Roller Coaster (Stereofect)
2 Car Chase (Stereofect)
3 Series of Explosions
4 Bullfrog
5 Jet Bombers (Stereofect)
6 Battle (Swords, Axes, Horses)
7 Indian Attack (Gunfire, Horses, Wagons)
8 Laughter & Clapping
9 Giggling & Laughing
10 Kitten Crying
11 Foxhounds Braying
12 Horses Galloping
13 Knock on Door, Footsteps, Door Open
14 Chicken Coop
15 Cow Barn
16 Thunder and Rain 1
17 Sawing Tree
18 Creaking Door Open
19 Creaking Door Close
20 Diesel Horn
21 Screams & Demonic Laughter
22 Blizzard
23 Bulldozer
24 Piledriver
25 Telephone Busy Signal
26 Touchtone Dialing
27 Open Bottle & Pour
28 St. Bernard Barking
29 Kitten Purring
30 Stagecoach
31 Lion
32 Horses Galloping 2
33 Cattle Drive
34 Indian War Whoops
35 Western Gun Fight
36 Men Cheering
37 Angry Crowd
38 Applause (Large Audience)
39 Cheering Crowd
40 Laughing Audience
41 Cement Mixer
42 Lions
43 Tigress
44 Baby Crying
45 Seagulls
46 Geese
47 Tower Clock
48 Grandfather Clock
49 Heavy Traffic
50 Windshield Wipers
51 Power Saw
52 Stop
53 Heartbeat
54 Piccolo Solo (Birdlike)
55 Piccolo Solo (Chirps)
56 Comic Piccolo
57 Rodeo
58 Ships Anchor (Up)
59 Convention Crowd
60 Wolves Howling
61 Bear
62 Sirens
63 Helicopter Take-Off
64 Helicopter Pass
65 Machine Guns (Mixed Firearms)
66 Fire Truck (Approach, Stop)
67 Earthquake
68 Jet Fighter Take-Off
69 Bombers in Flight
70 M48 Medium Tank
71 Whiplashes from Bullwhip
72 Bow and Arrow
73 Polynesian Drums
74 Sputnik 1 (Telemetry Signal)
75 Girl in Shower Sequence
76 Turkeys
77 Arcade Game (Skee-Ball)
78 Arcade Game (Burp-Gun)
79 Dynamite Explosions
80 Dog Pound
81 Urban Background (Traffic, Clock, Construction)
82 Birds on Clothesline
83 Large Truck in Traffic
84 Thunder and Rain 2
85 Rain and Pavement
86 4 Pedestrians on City Streets
87 New York Subway
88 Police Car (Steady Siren)
89 Police Car (Quick Approach)
90 Police Car Siren
91 Emergency Vehicle in Traffic
92 Air Hammer & Compressor
93 Traffic on Wet Highway
94 Cars and Trucks on Highway
95 Children in Playground
96 Garbage Trucks in Alley
97 Dump Truck (Off Land)
98 Canary Birds
99 100 Cats in Animal Center - Sea Lions

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