Edo Maajka - Šverc komerc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Edo Maajka - Šverc komerc

Šverc komerc
Smuggling Commerce
Ej, Dash
Hey, Dash
Ej, Stole
Hey, Stole
Nemojte me jebat, ljudi
Don't mess with me, guys
Znate ovo, ovo je Šverc Komerc
You know this, this is Smuggling Commerce
Dakle, Dash
So, Dash
Arizona, 12 sati, u kafani Edo Mati
Arizona, 12 o'clock, at Edo Mati's tavern
Uz pivčugu se vrijeme krati, muzika me prati
Passing time with a beer, music keeps me company
Sviraj Cigo na uho, mobitel mi na drugo
Play, Gypsy, by ear, phone on the other
(Pa di si, prijatelju? Nisam te čuo dugo)
(Where are you, friend? Haven't heard from you in a while)
Di si Stoka, kume? Kamioni su večeras u Županji kod one šume
Where are you Stoka, buddy? Trucks are in Županja tonight by that forest
Kod skretanja za Vinkovce, ponesi novce
Near the turn for Vinkovci, bring the money
Molim te, ne furaj stolce
Please, don't bring chairs
(Ha-ha-ha-ha, ma zajebavam te, ba)
(Ha-ha-ha-ha, just kidding, babe)
Evo došla mi roba s Rače, pozdravio me Kure
Here comes the goods from Rača, Kure said hello
Hoće za eksploziv upaljača i one cure
He wants detonators for explosives and those girls
Poslat ću im to sutra, momci, otvorite kamione
I'll send it to them tomorrow, guys, open the trucks
Da vidimo, pa šta je sve unutra
Let's see, what's inside
Za Stoku roba nek se trpa u ona dva šlepera
For Stoka, stuff the goods in those two trailers
Što su ih naši ukrali s Jarunskog jezera
The ones our guys stole from Jarun Lake
U njih vista kalašnjikova trista
300 Kalashnikovs in them
101 Uzi, nek su puni svi sanduci
101 Uzis, let all the boxes be full
Municije ko kenje, nek im Stoka jebe pleme
Ammo like crap, screw their tribe, Stoka
I to svakog kalibra, pa nek sebi bira
And every caliber, let him choose for himself
500 kila trave, 200 kila koke
500 kilos of weed, 200 kilos of coke
I one tablete od onoga dilera Zoke
And those pills from that dealer Zoka
100 kila ekstazija, što je zaplijenila policija
100 kilos of ecstasy, that the police confiscated
Nek su ovdje do dva il' ću im jebat mater ja
Let them be here by two or I'll screw their mothers
Stižu ex-ovi, šefu policije je žao
Exes are coming, the chief of police is sorry
Mlad je bio, neiskusan, kreten nije znao
He was young, inexperienced, the idiot didn't know
Pa nam je dao, uz ex, sada još i pancirke
So he gave us, along with ex, now also bulletproof vests
I dozvole što daju za NATO vojnike
And permits that they give to NATO soldiers
Da imamo za pass kad prefuravamo grass
So we have a pass when we smuggle grass
Na granici miruju, ne diraju nas (dobro)
They stay quiet at the border, they don't touch us (good)
Trpaj one bombe i još tehničke robe
Load those bombs and more technical equipment
Brže malo, dolje trpaj pištolje i sve zolje
Hurry up, load the pistols and all the zoljas down there
Noć pada, bit će bolje, pokreni taj šleper
Night falls, it will be better, start that trailer
Sigurno nas već tam' čeka onaj reper
Surely that rapper is already waiting for us there
Halo Stoka, javljam ti se s naše tajne skele
Hello Stoka, I'm calling you from our secret pier
Blicni svijetlima kad vidiš šlepere bijele
Flash your lights when you see the white trailers
Kamione voze ekipa Dash i Nered
The trucks are driven by the Dash and Nered crew
Idemo prvo kod Mome pa kod žena u krevet
We're going first to Momo's then to the women in bed
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Oružja, droge na tone (ha-ha)
Weapons, drugs by the ton (ha-ha)
Hit iz rukava kec (ha-ha)
Ace up my sleeve (ha-ha)
Moja veza, Stole, Dash, šverc komerc
My connection, Stole, Dash, smuggling commerce
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Oružja, droge na tone (ha-ha)
Weapons, drugs by the ton (ha-ha)
Hit iz rukava kec (ha-ha)
Ace up my sleeve (ha-ha)
Moja veza, Stole, Dash, šverc komerc
My connection, Stole, Dash, smuggling commerce
Evo Edo, vidiš svijetla, tu ti stojim ja (ja, ja, ja)
Here's Edo, you see the lights, I'm standing here (me, me, me)
Tu je moja ekipa, par kamiona i kombija
Here's my crew, a couple of trucks and vans
Di si Stoka, kume stari, kako stoje stvari?
Where are you Stoka, old buddy, how are things?
Ma kod mene sve pet, a je l' kod tebe sve u redu?
Everything's great with me, is everything okay with you?
Šta pitaš takve stvari? Znaš starog Edu
Why are you asking such things? You know old Edo
Prijatelju, drago mi je da si došo, da si sve granice prošo
Friend, I'm glad you came, that you crossed all the borders
Pit ćemo do zore, samo da obavimo taj poso
We'll drink until dawn, just let's finish this job
Evo ti pare, možeš izbrojat dok dečki ne istovare
Here's the money, you can count it while the guys unload
Šta si smiješan, Stoka, vjerujem ti care
Don't be ridiculous, Stoka, I trust you, man
Ajmo dečki, napunite kombije i kamione
Come on guys, fill up the vans and trucks
U pola stavite oružje, u pola travu, koku i bombone
Put weapons in half, and weed, coke, and candy in the other half
Razvezite na zadane lokacije, diljem nacije
Deliver to the given locations, throughout the nation
Od Slavonije, preko Zagreba, do Istre, pa do Dalmacije
From Slavonia, through Zagreb, to Istria, and down to Dalmatia
Do svih mojih ljudi, neka pucaju, neka su ludi
To all my people, let them shoot, let them be crazy
Samo, molim vas, budite pažljivi jer ne želim da mi se sudi
Just please be careful because I don't want to be judged
Kad obavite sve, molim vas, odmah mi se javite
When you're done with everything, please let me know immediately
Ako nešto krene krivo, sve potrebno napravite
If something goes wrong, do everything necessary
Na sitne komadiće, pa u vreće ih stavite
Into small pieces, then put them in bags
Ko da ništa nije bilo, molim vas, samo se pravite
As if nothing happened, please just pretend
Ja sad idem kod Mome, dolje me čeka Edo
I'm going to Momo's now, Edo is waiting for me down there
Ako mene neko bude trebo, nazovite, ja sam ledo
If anyone needs me, call me, I'm ice cold
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Oružja, droge na tone (ha-ha)
Weapons, drugs by the ton (ha-ha)
Hit iz rukava kec (ha-ha)
Ace up my sleeve (ha-ha)
Moja veza, Stole, Dash, šverc komerc
My connection, Stole, Dash, smuggling commerce
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Edo Maajka, Dash, Stole (ha-ha)
Oružja, droge na tone (ha-ha)
Weapons, drugs by the ton (ha-ha)
Hit iz rukava kec (ha-ha)
Ace up my sleeve (ha-ha)
Moja veza, Stole, Dash, šverc komerc
My connection, Stole, Dash, smuggling commerce

Авторы: edin osmic, marin ivanovic, drazen kvocic

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