Enrique Santos Discepolo - Esta noche me emborracho - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Enrique Santos Discepolo - Esta noche me emborracho

Esta noche me emborracho
Esta noche me emborracho
Esta noche me emborracho (1927)
Tonight I'm Getting Drunk (1927)
Musica di: Carlos Gardel
Music by: Carlos Gardel
Tradotto da Franco Baia
Translated by Franco Baia
Sola, fané y descangayada
Alone, withered, and disheveled
La vi esta madrugada salir de un cabaret.
I saw her this morning leaving a cabaret.
Flaca, dos cuartas de cogote,
Skinny, with a neck like a giraffe,
Y una percha en el escote, bajo la nuez.
And a hanger in her décolletage, under her chin.
Questa notte mi ubriaco
Tonight I'm getting drunk
Solitaria, avvizzita e sgangherata
Lonely, withered, and disheveled
La vidi all'alba uscire dal cabaret
I saw her at dawn leave the cabaret
Magra, due spanne di nuca,
Skinny, two spans of neck,
Ed un gancetto nella scollatura, sotto il mento.
And a hanger in her neckline, under her chin.
Chueca, vestida de pebeta,
Hunched over, dressed like a flapper,
Teñida y coqueteando su desnudez;
Dyed and flirting with her nudity;
Parecia un gallo desplumao,
She looked like a plucked rooster,
Mostrando al compadrear el cuero picoteao.
Showing off her pecked-at skin.
Yo que se cuando no aguanto mas,
I know when I can't bear it anymore,
Al verla asi raje, pa' no llorar.
So seeing her like this, I ran away, so as not to cry.
Incurvata, vestita da fanciulla,
Hunched over, dressed as a young girl,
Truccata e civettando le sue nudità
Made up and flirting with her nakedness
Sembrava un gallo spennacchiato,
She looked like a plucked rooster,
Mostrando vantandosi la pelle mordicchiata.
Showing off her pecked skin.
Io che so quando non sopporto più al vederla così me la squaglio, per non piangere.
I, who know when I can't take it anymore, seeing her like this, I'll run away, so as not to cry.
Y pensar que hace diez años fue mi locura.
And to think that ten years ago she was my madness.
Que llegue hasta la traicion por su hermosura.
That I went so far as to betray my family for her beauty.
Que esto que hoy es un cascajo,
That this thing that is now a wreck,
Fue la dulce metedura donde yo perdi el honor.
Was the sweet initiation where I lost my honor.
E pensare che dieci anni fa fu la mia pazzia,
And to think that ten years ago she was my madness,
Che mi picchiai per il suo tradimento per la sua bellezza.
That I beat myself up for her treachery, for her beauty.
Questa che ora è un vecchio rottame fu la dolce iniziazione, dove persi il mio onore.
This one who is now an old wreck was the sweet initiation, where I lost my honor.
Que chiflao por su belleza,
That I was crazy for her beauty,
Le quite el pan a la vieja,
I took bread from my old mother,
Me hice ruin y pechador.
I became vile and a sinner.
Andavo matto per la sua bellezza,
I was crazy about her beauty,
Rubavo il pane a mia madre,
I stole bread from my mother,
Mi sentivo vile e peccatore.
I felt vile and sinful.
Que quede sin un amigo,
That I was left without a friend,
Que vivi de mala fe.
That I lived in bad faith.
Que me tuvo de rodillas,
That she had me on my knees,
Sin moral, hecho un mendigo,
Without morals, a beggar,
Cuando se fue.
When she left.
Restare senza un amico,
I was left without a friend,
Vivere in mala fede.
Living in bad faith.
La tenevo sulle ginocchia,
I kept her on my lap,
Senza morale, diventai un mendicante,
Without morals, I became a beggar,
Quando se ne andò.
When she left.
Nunca crei que la veria en un requiescainpache
I never thought I'd see her end up in such a cruel way
Tan cruel como el de hoy.
As I saw her today.
Mire si no es para suicidarse,
See if it isn't enough to make you want to kill yourself,
Que por ese cachivache,
That for such a piece of junk,
Sea lo que soy.
I am what I am.
Non ho mai creduto di rivederla finire in un modo così tanto crudele come la vidi oggi.
I never thought I'd see her end up in such a cruel way that I saw her today.
Vedi se non è per suicidarsi, che pur essendo incapace, sai quello che sono.
See if it isn't enough to make you want to commit suicide, that despite being incapable, you know what I am.
Fiera venganza la del tiempo
Cruel is the revenge of time
Que le hace ver deshecho
That makes you see destroyed
Lo que uno amo'.
What one loved.
Crudele è la vendetta del tempo che gli lascia vedere distrutto quello che uno amò.
Cruel is the revenge of time that makes you see what you loved destroyed.
Y este encuentro me ha hecho tanto mal
And this encounter has hurt me so much
Que si lo pienso mas termino envenenao
That if I think about it any more, I'll end up poisoned
Y esta noche me mamo bien mamao,
And tonight I'm going to get drunk, drunk as hell,
Pa' no pensar.
To keep from thinking.
Questo incontro mi fece così male che se ci penso molto finirò avvelenato.
This encounter has hurt me so much that if I think about it too much, I'll end up poisoned.
Questa notte bevo tanto da sbronzarmi per non pensare.
Tonight I'm going to drink so much that I'll get drunk so I don't have to think.

Авторы: Enrique Santos Discepolo

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