Enrique Santos Discepolo - Justo el 31 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Enrique Santos Discepolo - Justo el 31

Justo el 31
Right on the 31st
Justo el 31
Right on the 31st
Tango 1930
Tango 1930
Musica di: Enrique Santos Discepolo
Music by: Enrique Santos Discepolo
Hace cinco días, loco de contento
Five days ago, crazy with joy
Vivo en movimiento como un carrusel...
I've been moving like a carousel...
Ella que pensaba amurarme el uno,
She who thought she would pin me down on the first
Justo el treinta y uno yo la madrugué...
Right on the thirty-first, I got the jump on her...
Me contó un vecino, que la inglesa loca,
A neighbor told me that the crazy English girl
Cuando vio la pieza sin un alfiler,
When she saw the room without a single pin
Se morfó la soga de colgar la ropa
Swallowed the clothesline
(Que fue en el apuro, lo que me olvidé...).
(Which was in the rush, what I forgot...).
Proprio il 31
Right on the 31st
Sono cinque giorni, pazzo di gioia
I've been crazy with joy for five days
Vivo in movimento come una giostra ...
I've been moving like a merry-go-round...
Lei che pensava che mi sarei dichiarato al primo,
She who thought she would pin me down on the first
Proprio al trentuno io la anticipai...
Right on the thirty-first, I got the jump on her...
Mi raccontò un vicino, che l'inglesina matta,
A neighbor told me that the crazy English girl
Quando vide la scacchiera senza un alfiere,
When she saw the chessboard without a bishop
Si mangiò la corda per appendere i panni
Swallowed the clothesline
(Che fu per la fretta, quello che dimenticai ...)
(Which was in the rush, what I forgot...).
Si ahorca no me paga las que yo pasé.
If she hangs herself, she won't pay me what I went through.
Era un mono loco que encontré en un árbol
She was a crazy monkey that I found in a tree
Una noche de hambre que me vio pasar.
One hungry night when she saw me pass.
Me tiró un coquito...
She threw me a coconut...
¡yo que soy chicato...
Me, who's clumsy...
Me ensarté al oscuro y la llevé al bulín!...
I slipped in the dark and took her to my crib!...
Si impicchi se non mi paga quello che passai.
If she hangs herself, she won't pay me what I went through.
Era uno sbirro pazzo che incontrai sopra un albero
She was a crazy cop that I met in a tree
Una notte da fame che mi vide passare.
One hungry night when she saw me pass.
Mi tirò uno spinello ...
She threw me a joint...
Io che sono miope...
Me, who's nearsighted...
Mi introdusse al buio e la portò all'alcova! ...
She slipped me in the dark and took her to the alcove!...
que entré a la pieza y encendí la vela,
I know I went into the room and lit the candle
que me di vuelta para verla bien...
I know I turned around to get a good look at her...
Era tan fulera, que la vi, di un grito,
She was so ugly, when I saw her, I screamed,
Lo demás fue un sueño...
The rest was a dream...
¡Yo, me desmayé!
I fainted!
So che entrò nella stanza e accese la candela,
I know I went into the room and lit the candle
So che mi girai per vederla bene ...
I know I turned around to get a good look at her...
Era tanto malfatta, come la vidi, diedi un urlo,
She was so ugly, when I saw her, I screamed,
Il resto fu un sogno ...
The rest was a dream...
Io, svenni!
I fainted!
La aguanté de pena casi cuatro meses,
I put up with her for almost four months with shame,
Entre la cachada de todo el café...
Amidst the laughter of the entire cafe...
Le tiraban nueces, mientras me gritaban:
They threw nuts at her while they yelled at me:
"¡Ahí va Sarrasani con el chimpancé"!...
"There goes Sarrasani with the chimpanzee"!...
Gracias a que el "Zurdo", que es tipo derecho,
Thanks to "Lefty", who's a straight-up guy,
Le regó el helecho cuando se iba a alzar;
He watered the fern when she was going to stand up;
Y la redoblona de amurarme el uno
And the engagement to pin me down on the first,
¡justo el treinta y uno se la fui a cortar!
Right on the thirty-first, I cut it short!
La sopportai malapena così quattro mesi
I put up with her with difficulty for almost four months
Tra lo scherno di tutto il bar ...
Amidst the mockery of the entire bar...
Le tiravano noci mentre mi gridavano:
They threw nuts at her while they yelled at me:
" Ahi va Sarrasani con lo scimpanzé"!
" There goes Sarrasani with the chimpanzee"!
Grazie a quel "mancino " che è un tipo furbo,
Thanks to that "lefty" who's a clever guy,
Le innaffiò la felce quando si stava per alzare;
He watered the fern when she was going to stand up;
E l'impegno di fidanzarmi al primo
And the commitment to engage on the first,
Proprio il trentuno fu interrotto!
Right on the thirty-first, it was interrupted!

Авторы: Enrique Santos Discepolo, Raymundo Radaelli

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