Fakts feat. Peteris Upelnieks - Naktī - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Fakts feat. Peteris Upelnieks - Naktī

At Night
Man tevi vajag un tu to zini.
I need you and you know it.
Neviena vairs, mēs tikai divi.
No one else, just the two of us.
Mums pieder laiks, lai skaita viņi.
Time belongs to us, let them count.
Tas viņas smaids ir viss ko gribu.
Her smile is all I want.
Man ar tevi labi, bet kad tevis nav, tad neesmu es pats.
I'm good with you, but when you're not here, I'm not myself.
Kat tu dodies prom es jūdzos nost, jo neesi man blakus. (Jā!)
Every time you leave, I feel lost because you're not next to me. (Yeah!)
Tu esi daļa no manis, tātad otra puse.
You are a part of me, so the other half.
Un man vairs nevajag neko, ja man esi tu.
And I don't need anything else if I have you.
Ja nesatiktu tevi būtu viens. (Ar Tevi!)
If I had never met you, I would have been alone. (With You!)
Diena saulaina pat tad, kad ārā lietus. (Bez Tevis!)
The day is sunny even when it rains outside. (Without You!)
Šķiet nezinātu kur man iet.
I wouldn't know where to go.
To ko jūtu vairāk nemainīs neviens. (Jā, neviens!)
What I feel will never change again. (Yes, nobody!)
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Ja kopā varam būt tik sapnī,
If we can only be together in a dream,
Kas ir patiesi skumji,
Which is truly sad,
Tad lūdzu nemodiniet mani, kad guļu!
Then please don't wake me when I sleep!
Tu esi manaes esmu tavs.
You are mine, I am yours.
Man nebūs gana es gribu daudz.
I won't have enough, I want a lot.
Tu esi laba man šaubu nav.
You are good, I have no doubts.
Es tavs līdz galam, ja tu man ļausi.
I'm yours until the end, if you let me.
Tu esi viena tāda, man liekas tā, dēļ tevis kļūstu bez prāta.
You are the only one, I think, you make me crazy.
Kad tev nav dienas labas,
When you don't have good days,
Tikai viens zvans un tulīt būšu es klāt. (Jā!)
Just one call and I'll be right there. (Yeah!)
Tavas acis dara gaišāku man dienu.
Your eyes make my day brighter.
Katram karalim pie sāniem vajag savu karalieni.
Every king needs his queen by his side.
Tu esi skaista, vēl skaistāka liekas.
You are beautiful, even more beautiful than you think.
Ar tevi tiešām varu vairāk ne viens (Ne viens!)
With you, I can really do more than one. (Not like one!)
Bez tevis jūtos tukš un tu to zini.
I feel empty without you and you know it.
Tava klātbūtne tik tiešām ļoti mani papildina.
Your presence really complements me.
Ja nesatiktu tevi būtu viens. (Ar Tevi!)
If I had never met you, I would have been alone. (With You!)
Diena saulaina pat tad kad ārā lietus (Bez Tevis!)
The day is sunny even when it rains outside (Without You!)
Šķiet nezinātu kur man iet.
I wouldn't know where to go.
To ko jūtu vairāk nemainīs neviens. (Jā, neviens!)
What I feel will never change again. (Yes, nobody!)
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Ja kopā varam būt tik sapnī,
If we can only be together in a dream,
Kas ir patiesi skumji,
Which is truly sad,
Tad lūdzu nemodiniet mani, kad guļu!
Then please don't wake me when I sleep!
Ja tu būtu man blakus man būtu saldāks miegs,
If you were next to me, my sleep would be sweeter,
Bet esam kopā tikai, tad kad manas acis ciet.
But we are together only when my eyes are closed.
Manā sapnī esam divatā uz zemes.
In my dream, we are alone on earth.
Un es atdotu tik daudz, lai dienas nebūtu bez tevis.
And I would give so much so that the days would not be without you.
Ja tu būtu man blakus man būtu saldāks miegs,
If you were next to me, my sleep would be sweeter,
Bet esam kopā tikai tad kad manas acis ciet.
But we are together only when my eyes are closed.
Un, ja tas nebūtu tik sapnī, es tev dāvātu sevi.
And if it wasn't just a dream, I would give myself to you.
Es guļu tāpēc ka es gribu tevi!
I sleep because I want you!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Tu nāc tikai vēlu naktī!
You only come late at night!
Ja kopā varam būt tik sapnī,
If we can only be together in a dream,
Kas ir patiesi skumji,
Which is truly sad,
Tad lūdzu nemodiniet mani, kad guļu!
Then please don't wake me when I sleep!

Авторы: Jānis šmēdiņš

Fakts feat. Peteris Upelnieks - Vainīgs Tu
Vainīgs Tu
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