Ferre Gola - Moteki Mbala - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ferre Gola - Moteki Mbala

Moteki Mbala
Moteki Mbala
Mibali bakanisaka fidélité eza kaka na féminin
Men think that fidelity is only for women
Koyoka bisengo ya masano ya love batia na masculin
To feel the need for love games they put it on masculinity
Tia nga gilette yo′okomona naza na makila ya moto lokola yo
Give me a razor and you will see I have human blood like you
Napameli, molimo ya koboya nga, milimo ya bokabwani (Trésor na nga Mitshuri na kobomba te)
Napameli, soul to kill me, souls to be reconciled (Trésor and I, Mitshuri does not quarrel)
Kobala mokufeli to divorcé, eza lokola (Otiki magasin ya ngaba okoti Koweït)
To marry a widower or a divorced man is like (You leave a grocery store and enter Kuwait)
Olingi oboya n'o nga, ozwa n′o nzoto basalela
If you want to come to me, you take a used body
Oyo nzoto de tous les chairs ohh, nzoto touristique ohh bébé, abongwani azo lela ahh
That body of all the chairs ohh, a tourist body ohh baby, whoever owned it cried ahh
Moteki mbala abelelaka (Mbala mbala)
The one who is much used cries (Many times)
Awa ozo luka likambo, belela pe (likambo likambo)
Here you are looking for trouble, cry also (Trouble Trouble)
Yeba que oza auteur ya malheur na nga
Know that you are the author of my misfortune
Adamu azalaki (trop, trop sage ehh)
Adam was (Too, too wise ehh)
Zina Bilawu (Noko Landu Mitshuri)
Zina Bilawu (Noko Landu Mitshuri)
Ayebaki soki abwakisi mbuma ce que abwakisi Eva
He knew that if he threw the fruit to Eve what he was throwing
Ayebaki soki abwakisi Eva Satan akolanda à récupérer ye
He knew that if he threw Eve, Satan would follow to recover her
Chérie zala Oyo ya ngai na motema (Trop, trop sage)
Darling, be mine wholeheartedly (Too, too wise)
Cause, cause
Cause, cause
Chérie n'a nga akomisi nga nzoto elengi pété
My darling made me a beautiful body
Yango'elukeli nga ba jaloux
That's why I get jealous
Nabetelaki muninga, Mitshuri n′a nga ayebi′o lové
I told my friend, Mitshuri and I know how to make love
À monter nga cinéma, Nelly Bomeyi (Cherie sage, Noko Landu Misthuri)
To put on a show for me, Nelly Bomeyi (Wise darling, Noko Landu Misthuri)
Love Etumba Noko Landu (Love Etumba)
Love Etumba Noko Landu (Love Etumba)
Love Etumba Mitshuri (Love Etumba)
Love Etumba Mitshuri (Love Etumba)
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Mobali n'a nga moko tokabola na yo ba jours (Quel signe)
My one husband, we will share days with you (What sign)
Sentiment eza kwanga nalia ndambu natikelo
Sentiment is like food I eat some and leave some
Love Etumba ah Zina (Love etumba)
Love Etumba ah Zina (Love Etumba)
Love etumba Mitshuri (Love etumba)
Love Etumba Mitshuri (Love Etumba)
Mitshuri n′a nga moko tokabola n'a yo ba tours (Quel signe)
My one Mitshuri, we will share tours with you (What sign)
Sentiment eza lipa te nalia n′a tikeloo (Quel signe)
Sentiment is not a bill I eat it and save some (What sign)
Aveugle abundi na mutu amonaka, aveugle akweyosi moto amonakaka ohh moto amonaka aleliii
A blind man who sees with someone, a blind man who becomes sighted, he sees he is crying
Amonaka, ahh amonaka, Love emonaka ahh amona. yango ebetaka eh
He sees, ahh he sees, love sees ahh he sees, that's why he suffers eh
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Mobali n'a nga moko tokabola na yo ba jours
My one husband, we will share days with you
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Sentiment eza lipa te nalia natikelo
Sentiment is not a bill I eat and leave some
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Love etumba Deshay Mokili
Love Etumba Deshay Mokili
(Love Etumba)
(Love Etumba)
N′a 12heures eh, chauffeur makanisi nanu ya 4heure
At 12 o'clock eh, the driver is thinking about the one at 4 o'clock
Kuna azo mema, Kuna azo milobela
That's where he's taking her, that's where he's going to tell her sweet words
(Ebanda boni)
(How did it start)
Mannequin apimela nga love
A model asked me for love
(Ebanda boni)
(How did it start)
N'a mbongo n'a nga ya pasi aliaka
She eats my hard earned money
(Ebanda boni)
(How did it start)
Akanisi mingi epesi ye souci un temps atuti moto ohh ohh
Thinking a lot gave her worries, one day she calmed down ohh ohh
(Ebanda boni)
(How did it start)
Paty Lopez apimela nga love
Paty Lopez asked me for love
(Ebanda Boni)
(How did it start)
Nandenge nalingaka Amarula
Nandenge, I like Amarula
... Na yo Mitshuri ezanga posologie na tanga na yeba degré ya sentiment Oyo otielaka nga
... For you Mitshuri, there is no dosage to count to know the degree of feeling that you give me
Ata nateki mangondo po nalesa nzoto libumu ebo kotonda, monoko ezo yeba goût ya chérie Ata na molili
Even if I close my eyes to kiss, the body will be satisfied, the mouth will know the taste of my darling even in the dark
Suki ya pembe emonanaka na elili te, bakateli nga nzadi poteau vide nga naleli Mitshuri meilleur buteur ya love ya Zina Bilawu
A white flower is not visible in the dark, they cut me a river, an empty post, I cried, Mitshuri the best scorer of love for Zina Bilawu
... Na yo Mitshuri ezanga posologie na tanga na yeba degré ya sentiment Oyo otielaka nga
... For you Mitshuri, there is no dosage to count to know the degree of feeling that you give me
Ata nateki mangondo po nalesa nzoto libumu ebo kotonda, monoko ezo yeba goût ya chérie Ata na molili
Even if I close my eyes to kiss, the body will be satisfied, the mouth will know the taste of my darling even in the dark
Suki ya pembe emonanaka na elili te, bakateli nga nzadi poteau vide nga naleli Mitshuri meilleur buteur ya love ya Zina Bilawu
A white flower is not visible in the dark, they cut me a river, an empty post, I cried, Mitshuri the best scorer of love for Zina Bilawu
Aveugle abundi na mutu amonaka, aveugle akweyisi moto amonakaka, moto amonaka aleli, amonaka ah amonaka ah
A blind man who sees with someone, a blind man who becomes sighted, he sees he is crying, he sees ah he sees ah
Love emonaka, amonaka yango ebetaka ehh
Love sees, he sees that's why he suffers eh
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Mobali n′a nga moko tokabola na yo ba tours
My one husband we will share tours with you
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Sentiment eza lipa te nalia natikelo
Sentiment is not a bill I eat and leave some
(Quel signe)
(What sign)
Pe naza elikia que okopesa ngai, ya yo motema ata na misu ya kokanga
And I am begging that you give me, your heart even for a moment
Pona mabe nasala yo parfaite ... nga Mobali na yo incorrigible kasi na lingi yo mingi ihh
For all the bad things I did to you perfect... I am your incorrigible man but I love you very much ihh

Авторы: Férré Gola

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