JAM Project - ピアノ狂奏曲第4番〜怪人賛歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни JAM Project - ピアノ狂奏曲第4番〜怪人賛歌

Piano Sonata No. 4 ~ Ode to the Phantom
Humanity has limits it cannot surpass
自由な怪人になって 欲望のままに生きなさい
Become a free phantom, live according to your desires
Destroy 投げ捨てろ感情!
Destroy! Throw away your emotions!
Defeat クソ喰らえ愛情!
Defeat! Damn your love!
さぁ始まるぜ悪のパレード ズンズンズン!
Now the parade of evil begins, boom boom boom!
Hey Yo! What's going on? そこどきな!
Hey Yo! What's going on? Move it!
What's going on?
What's going on?
Yes I am Yes I am 欲しいものはひとつ
Yes I am, yes I am, there's only one thing I want
強い奴だけが成り上がる そんな未来 Oh yeah
Only the strong rise to the top, that's the future, Oh yeah
力こそ ジャスティスさ 塗りつぶす 血の色に
Power is justice, painted in the color of blood
俺は怪人 野望赴くまま 心を捨てた 地獄のファイター
I am a phantom, following my ambition, a fighter of hell who has abandoned his heart
足りねえよ まだ終わりじゃない この世界
It's not enough, this world isn't over yet
Total smack down!
Total smackdown!
Destroy 追い詰めろ Hero!
Destroy! Corner the Hero!
Defeat 喰らえ悪の本能!
Defeat! Eat this, the instinct of evil!
さぁ始めるぜ 狩の時間だ ズンズンズン!
Now it begins, the time of the hunt, boom boom boom!
Hey Yo! What's going on? 諦めな!
Hey Yo! What's going on? Don't give up!
What's going on?
What's going on?
Yes I am Yes I am 狙った獲物は断つ!
Yes I am, yes I am, I will cut down my targeted prey!
More lyrics at...
人が涙を流すなら 俺たちゃ...
If people shed tears, then we...
何もかも 奪い取れ 人の世が 尽きるまで
Take everything, until the human world ends
I'll smack you down 罪深き俺達に 哀れみの歌を
I'll smack you down, sing a song of pity for us, the sinful ones
You gonna go down 闇に落ちた戦士に 氷のベーゼを
You gonna go down, give an icy kiss to the warriors who have fallen into darkness
I'll smack you down You gonna go down
I'll smack you down, You gonna go down
Destroy 競い合うバイオレンス!
Destroy! Violence competes!
Defeat 絶やせ ホモ・サピエンス!
Defeat! Die out, Homo sapiens!
さぁ奏でろ 破滅へのメロディー ズンズンズン!
Now play the melody of destruction, boom boom boom!
Hey Stop! What's going on? 覚悟しな!
Hey Stop! What's going on? Prepare yourself!
What's going on?
What's going on?
Yes I am Yes I am もはや逃げ場所はない!
Yes I am, yes I am, there's nowhere left to run!
悪と正義 情け容赦ない 争い Oh Yeah!
Evil and justice, a merciless battle, Oh Yeah!
お互いに 譲れない 運命(さだめ)の十字路で
Neither side will yield, at the crossroads of destiny
I'll smack you down 降り注ぐ悪の火に 歓喜の叫びを
I'll smack you down, a cry of joy in the pouring fire of evil
You gonna go down 望むもののすべてを 暗黒の元へ
You gonna go down, everything you desire, to the darkness
I'll smack you down You gonna go down
I'll smack you down, You gonna go down
Be Quiet!
Be Quiet!

Авторы: 影山ヒロノブ

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