Lin-Manuel Miranda feat. Germaine Franco & Encanto - Cast - Vi taler ikke om Bruno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lin-Manuel Miranda feat. Germaine Franco & Encanto - Cast - Vi taler ikke om Bruno

Vi taler ikke om Bruno
We Don't Talk About Bruno
Vi taler ikke om Bruno, nej, nej, nej
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no
Vi taler ikke om Bruno, men!
We don't talk about Bruno, but!
Det var min bryllupsdag
It was my wedding day
Det var vores bryllupsdag
It was our wedding day
Vi var dresset flot op, solen skinned', og himlen var blå
We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Nul skyer, for himlen var blå
No clouds allowed in the sky
Bruno han stod lidt og lo skadefro
Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin
Jeg er ved at fortælle, hvis jeg må?
I'm telling this story to give you a warning
Undskyld, mi vida, værsgo
Excuse me, mi vida, go ahead
Bruno varsled' regn dagen
Bruno says, "It looks like rain"
Det ku' han styre
In doing so
Han drukned' vores fine plan
He floods my brain with rain
Abuela fandt paraplyer
Abuela gets the umbrellas
Vi blev gift midt i en orkan
Married in a hurricane
Godt vi fik sagt ja, men fra da af
What a joyous day, but anyway
Taler ingen om Bruno, nej, nej, nej
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no
Vi taler ikke om Bruno, hey!
We don't talk about Bruno, hey!
Tankerne om Bruno bare snurrer rundt og rumler
Thoughts about Bruno float through my head
Jeg kan høre ham for mig, ligesom knurrer mens han mumler
I can hear him now, humming, always humming
Minder jeg forbinder med det tørre drys af sand (ch-ch-ch)
A vision of a man with rats on his shoulders
Når et stort talent konsekvent forvirrer
Sending shivers down my spine
Med de ubegribeligste profetier
Unintelligible prophecies
Alle måtte sande, det gik over deres forstand
Never seen anything like him in my life
Hva' med din forstand?
What about your life?
En farlig gestalt, bær' rotter sin ryg
A sinister shape, tall and pallid
Den, hvis navn bli'r kaldt, kan ik' føle sig tryg
His gaze could make you freeze
Han vil høre dig skrige, det' hans fantasi
He likes to make you shiver
Vi taler ikke om Bruno, nej, nej, nej
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no
Vi taler ikke om Bruno
We don't talk about Bruno
Han sagde, "Dine fisk vil dø"
He told me that the fish would die
Se hvordan det' gået (nej, nej)
The fish died (no, no)
Han sagde, "Du vil en vom"
He told me I'd grow a gut
Og det har jeg fået (nej, nej)
And just like he said (no, no)
Se her, han sagde, "Dit hår er væk en dag"
He said, "Your hair will disappear"
Der' intet tilbage (nej, nej)
Now look at my head (no, no)
Du' chanceløs mod den skæbne han har spået
Your fate is sealed when you hear his prophecies
Han sagde, "Drøm lige tosset du vil
He told me that my life would get better
Det bli'r alt sammen snart virkelighed"
Like all my troubles would disappear
Han sagde, "Du vil bli' stærkere endnu
He told me that my future was bright
Du' en pryd for dit eget blomsterbed
That one day I'd find my one true love
Oye, Mariano er vej
Oye, Mariano's on his way
Han sagde, "Ham du forelsked' dig i
He told me that my love would be pure
Er desværre ikke fri
And true
Forlovet med en anden"
That he'd show up at my door
Synes jeg kan høre ham
I can hear him right now
"Hey, søs, I dag siger du ikke en lyd"
"Hey, bro, get out the door"
Jeg synes jeg kan høre ham
I can hear him now
Jeg kan høre ham nu
I can hear him now
Øhm, Bruno, altså ham dér Bruno?
Um, Bruno, yeah, I really need to know about
Fortæl nu hvad I ved om ham Bruno
Bruno, give us the truth and we'll go
Nu vil jeg ha' hele sandheden, Bruno
Bruno, just tell us what we need to know
Isabela, er kæresten her!
Isabela, your man's here!
Der er serveret!
Dinner is served!
Han er her!
He's here!
Tal ikke om Bruno
Don't talk about Bruno
Jeg sku' vist ikke ha' nævnt Bruno
Why did I talk about Bruno?
Ikke ét ord om Bruno
Not a word about Bruno
Åh, gid jeg aldrig havde sagt Bruno
I shouldn't have said anything about Bruno

Авторы: Lin-manuel Miranda, Kirsten Trine Dansgaard

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