Your partying and drinking seem like some sort of weird cult to me and I, a total nerd, thought I'd never fall for anything like that. But here I am now.
You won't find any joy here, just a mental ghetto that's spreading wider and wider, slowly turning you into a weirdo. It's too late, you've already drifted away from the world, drowning in this sea of self-destruction.
both good and bad, they'll make you grow. Once you accept that, you'll be free. My skin is yellow, my heart is khaki, and I can find something to enjoy in anything. I really love who I am. And everything will be alright in the end
。 ◯◉◯と◯◉◯のことばかりを考えてる日 まとまらない アイデアを持ち越し零時
someday. All you ever think about is each other, whatever that really means. You're losing your mind, coming up with crazy ideas. And now it's midnight.
壊すブレーキ 頭がおかしい 嘘のクレイジー 全てがメッキ 誰も俺のこと見てくれねえし...
Your brain is broken. You're having a breakdown. All your bravado is nothing but a facade. Nobody even notices you.
嗜む程度のDrug, それだけではNo
Recreational drugs are not enough for you, you want to be a
Thug 分かり合えなくてもやれる ことをやる勇気が無いからBluff どこにも無い正解のことを追わされ、負わされる世界は...
real gangster. You claim you can do it, even though you can't find anyone to understand you. You're all bluff, but you don't have the courage to admit it to yourself. You're lost in a world without answers, a world that only brings suffering.
哀哉 だからこそ俺は新しい形で説き伏せる バカとバカの子供と大手を振って争うよ。
That's why I'm here to tell it like it is. I'll fight you and your friends head-on, even though we're all fools.