Ja
tens
l′amor...
Ja
acaricies
la
glòria
amb
la
punta
dels
dits.
Ets
immortal.
Estigues
llest
per
caminar
a
les
fosques.
Per
viure
sol.
Per
dormir
al
ras.
Ja
tens
l'amor...
T′has
cansat
de
buscar-lo
sota
les
pedres
a
quaselvol
preu.
Ara
jauràs
del
costat
de
l'angoixa
i
faràs
el
camí
que
duu
al
crim
o
a
l'adéu.
Ja
tens
l′amor
i
no
pots
fer-te
enrere.
No
demanis
justícia,
ets
tu
qui
tira
els
daus.
Acluca
els
ulls,
llança′t
a
l'abisme
i
renuncia
a
viure
per
sempre
més
en
pau.
Ja
tens
l′amor
i
la
seva
agonia,
quin
no
ho
daria
tot
per
patir-la
de
nou
una
vegada
més,
una
vegada
més,
una
vegada
més,
i
prou.
You've
got
love...
You
caress
glory
with
your
fingertips.
You're
immortal.
Prepare
to
walk
in
darkness.
To
live
alone.
To
sleep
in
the
open.
You've
got
love...
You've
tired
of
searching
for
it
under
stones
at
any
cost.
Now
you'll
lie
down
on
the
side
of
anguish
and
follow
the
path
that
leads
to
crime
or
goodbye.
You've
got
love
and
you
can't
turn
back.
Don't
ask
for
justice,
you're
the
one
rolling
the
dice.
Close
your
eyes,
jump
into
the
abyss,
and
give
up
on
living
in
peace
forever.
You've
got
love
and
its
agony,
who
wouldn't
give
it
all
to
suffer
it
again
one
more
time,
one
more
time,
one
more
time,
and
that's
enough.
Ya
tienes
el
amor...
Ya
acaricias
la
gloria
con
la
punta
de
los
dedos.
Eres
inmortal.
Prepárate
a
caminar
a
oscuras.
vivir
solo.
dormir
al
raso.
Ya
tienes
el
amor...
Te
has
cansado
de
buscarlo
bajo
las
piedras
a
cualquier
precio.
Ahora
te
acostarás
del
lado
de
la
angustia
y
seguirás
el
camino
que
lleva
al
crimen
o
al
adiós.
Ya
tienes
el
amor
y
no
puedes
echarte
atrás.
No
pidas
justicia,
eres
tú
quien
tira
los
dados.
Cierra
los
ojos,
lánzate
al
abismo
y
renuncia
a
vivir
eternamente
en
paz.
Ya
tienes
el
amor
y
su
agonía,
quién
no
lo
daría
todo
por
sufrirla
de
nuevo
una
vez
más,
una
vez
más,
una
vez
más
y
basta.
You've
got
love...
You
caress
glory
with
your
fingertips.
You're
immortal.
Prepare
to
walk
in
darkness.
To
live
alone.
To
sleep
in
the
open.
You've
got
love...
You've
tired
of
searching
for
it
under
stones
at
any
cost.
Now
you'll
lie
down
on
the
side
of
anguish
and
follow
the
path
that
leads
to
crime
or
goodbye.
You've
got
love
and
you
can't
turn
back.
Don't
ask
for
justice,
you're
the
one
rolling
the
dice.
Close
your
eyes,
jump
into
the
abyss,
and
give
up
on
living
in
peace
forever.
You've
got
love
and
its
agony,
who
wouldn't
give
it
all
to
suffer
it
again
one
more
time,
one
more
time,
one
more
time,
and
that's
enough.