John Lennon & Paul McCartney - Eleanor Rigby (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland) текст песни

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John Lennon & Paul McCartney - Beatles Classic Hits

1 Sergent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Choral Society feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
2 With a Little Help From My Friends (feat. piano: John Bayless)
3 Yesterday (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
4 She Loves You (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
5 Something (feat. piano: John Bayless)
6 Eleanor Rigby (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
7 Fool on the Hill (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
8 Strawberry Fields Forever (feat. piano: John Bayless)
9 Yellow Submarine (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
10 All You Need Is Love (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Choral Society feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
11 Please, Please Me / A Hard Day's Night (Rochester Pops feat. conductor Newton Wayland)
12 The Long and Winding Road (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Choral Society feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
13 Penny Lane (feat. piano: John Bayless)
14 Got to Get You Into My Life (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
15 She's Leaving Home (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Choral Society feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
16 Good Day Sunshine / Day Tripper (feat. piano: John Bayless)
17 And I Love Her (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
18 Here, There and Everywhere (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
19 I Want to Hold Your Hand (feat. piano: John Bayless)
20 Michelle (Rochester Pops feat. conductor: Newton Wayland)
21 I Am the Walrus (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra feat. conductor: Louis Clark)
22 A Day in the Life (feat. piano: John Bayless)

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