Josipa Lisac - Danas Sam Luda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Josipa Lisac - Danas Sam Luda

Danas Sam Luda
I'm Crazy Today
(Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
(I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću)
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.)
Sutra ću opet znati sve što treba
Tomorrow I'll know again what I have to do,
Bit' ću slatka, bit' ću nježna
I'll be sweet, I'll be gentle,
Sutra ću opet voljeti sve ljude
Tomorrow I'll love everyone again,
Dat' ću opet sve za druge
I'll give everything for others again.
Ne govori ništa više
Don't say anything else,
Ne, ne pričaj mi sve te priče
No, don't tell me all those stories,
Ne znam što bih, ne znam gdje sam
I don't know what to do, I don't know where I am,
Opasna sam
I'm dangerous.
(Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
(I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću)
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.)
Razdiru me neke čudne stvari
Strange things tear me apart,
Pun je mjesec, zbrka u glavi
The moon is full, my head is in a mess,
A sutra ću opet biti ona stara
But tomorrow I'll be the same as before,
Malo tužna, ali snažna
A little sad, but strong.
Bit' ću opet ja uz tebe
I'll be there for you again,
Voljeti ću opet sebe
I'll love myself again,
Bit' ću tvoja, bit' će bolje
I'll be yours, it will be better,
Samo pusti da me prođe
Just let it pass me by.
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone,
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.
Ne govori ništa više
Don't say anything else,
Ne, ne pričaj mi sve te priče
No, don't tell me all those stories,
Ne znam što bih, ne znam gdje sam
I don't know what to do, I don't know where I am,
Opasna sam, već sam bijesna
I'm dangerous, I'm already furious.
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone,
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.
Ne proganjaj me više
Don't haunt me anymore,
Ne znam što bih dala
I don't know what I would give,
Ne proganjaj me više
Don't haunt me anymore,
Daj, pusti me da spavam
Come on, let me sleep,
Daj, pusti me da sanjam!
Come on, let me dream!
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone,
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone,
Danas sam luda, ne znam što hoću
I'm crazy today, I don't know what I want,
Danas sam luda, želim samoću
I'm crazy today, I just want to be alone.

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