Kazik Na Żywo - Legenda ludowa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kazik Na Żywo - Legenda ludowa

Legenda ludowa
Folk Legend
Raz, dwa, trzy, cztery!
One, two, three, four!
Odpływa już ostatni statek stąd
The last ship is leaving now
Nikt się potem nie zabierze, będzie lament i łamanie rąk
No one will take you after that, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Tak dzisiaj tu została zabita demokracja
That's how democracy was killed here today
Jacyś ludzie wyrzucili do ubikacji
Some people threw it in the toilet
Ta kraina to ruina, pies obdarty flaki żre
This country is a ruin, a mangy dog is eating scraps
Wiecznie zły menelich pragnie bić po twarzy mnie
A perpetually angry bum wants to hit me in the face
Bo nie jestem z tych stron, a to bardzo źle rokuje
Because I'm not from around here, and that bodes very ill
Jego wizji świata i ja zaraz to poczuję
For his vision of the world, and I'm about to feel it
To nie moje słowa
These are not my words
A to legenda ludowa
But a folk legend
A to nie moje słowa
And these are not my words
A to legenda ludowa
But a folk legend
Odlatuje juz ostatni samolot z tych stron
The last airplane is leaving now
Kazdy kto chce sie zabrac ma zostawic swoj dom
Everyone who wants to go must leave their home behind
Tak dzisiaj tu zostala zabita wolnosc slowa
That's how freedom of speech was killed here today
Duch jej ze strachu pod komode sie schowal
Its spirit hid under the dresser out of fear
Mimo to za granicami nadal reklama slawna
Despite this, the famous advertisement still proclaims beyond our borders
Przyjedz do nas - Twoj samochod jest juz tutaj od dawna
Come to us - your car has been here for ages
Radykalna bandyterka rada sytuacja prawna
Radical banditry, legal situation
To ich tylko dobra wola, ze ciebie nie napadna
It's only their goodwill that prevents them from attacking you
To nie moje sa slowa
These are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
A to nie moje sa slowa
And these are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
Odchodzi juz ostatni medrzec stad
The last wise man is leaving now
Powietrze tu nieswieze i niezdrowy swad
The air here is stale and the smell is unhealthy
Tak dzisiaj tu zostala zabita republika
That's how the republic was killed here today
W palacu soldateska sra na zlotych nocnikach
In the palace, soldiers are shitting in golden chamber pots
Odchodzi juz ostatni sprawiedliwy stad
The last righteous man is leaving now
Nikt o tym nie wie nic bo i wiedziec to skad
No one knows about it because there's no way of knowing
Zarosna te place i domy bardzo latwo
These squares and houses will overgrow very quickly
Jest tak przyjete, ze ostatni gasi swiatlo
It's the custom that the last one turns off the light
To nie moje sa slowa
These are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
To nie moje sa slowa
These are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
To nie moje sa slowa
These are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
To nie moje sa slowa
These are not my words
To legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
A to nie moje sa slowa
And these are not my words
To jest legenda ludowa
It's a folk legend
A to nie moje sa slowa
And these are not my words
To legenda ludowa...
It's a folk legend...

Авторы: Kazimierz Piotr Staszewski

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