Kazuyoshi Saito - 時が経てば - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kazuyoshi Saito - 時が経てば

Time After Time
A man is standing on the rooftop of a building, ready to jump
Below, a huge crowd of onlookers has gathered and are all holding their breath
けたたましいパトカーのサイレン ピーポーピーポー救急車
The screeching of police car sirens grows louder and louder as ambulances arrive
The fire engine's ladder is extended as far as it can go, but it's not nearly long enough
I wonder what could have happened to him
Did he get into debt? Was he dumped by his girlfriend?
There are some things that can be forgotten if you just give them time
On the roof of the building, an apparent police officer is trying to talk the man down
野次馬はさらに集まって まるで夏祭りみたいだ
The crowd has grown even larger, making it look like a summer festival
上空では何機ものヘリコプター あふれかえるテレビの中継車
Helicopters hover overhead as countless television news trucks fill the area
A reporter is interviewing a woman in the crowd
She says, "Isn't this bad?"
She says, "I wonder what could have happened?"
少し髪を直したりして テレビに出るのがちょっと嬉しそう
She briefly fixes her hair, clearly delighted at the prospect of being on television
キミの知ってるボクが きっと本当の自分なのかもしれない
The you that you think you know may well be your true self
キミが思ってるキミよりも きっとボクの方がキミを知っているように
And just as I know you better than you do yourself
You once told me that I was a kind person
池で溺れてる犬を ボクは飛び込んでまでは助けない
But I wouldn't jump into a pond to save a drowning dog
I wonder what could have happened to him
Did he drink too much? Or did he simply get tired of everything?
There are some things that can be forgotten if you just give them time
ビルの屋上では まだ男を刑事が説得している
On the roof of the building, the policeman is still trying to talk the man down
あいつはスマホのカメラで 上手く撮れたかどうかのチェック
Someone is taking a picture with his phone and checking if it came out okay
テレビはどの番組も生中継 男の父親に「どうですか?」なんて聞いてる
Every television station is broadcasting this live, asking the man's father how he's doing
The man has knelt down and appears to be crying
刑事が男の肩を抱いて 男は飛び降りるのをやめた
The policeman puts his arm around the man's shoulders and the man stops trying to jump
Just then, my phone rings and my mother says, "I sent you some rice"
I wonder what could have happened to him
過去がツライのか もう笑う事も忘れたか
Is his past too painful? Has he forgotten how to laugh?
何も手にしなかったか それともすべてをやりつくしたか?
Did he never achieve anything in life? Or has he done everything there is to do?
傷つき過ぎたのか 傷つけ過ぎたのか
Has he been hurt too many times? Or has he hurt too many people?
There are some things that can be forgotten if you just give them time
There are some things that you'll laugh about if you just give them time
がんばれ 負けるな がんばれ もうちょっとの辛抱だよ
Come on, don't give up. Come on, just a little longer
がんばれ がんばれ Uh―
Come on, come on, Uh―
You'll laugh about this if you just give it time
You might forget about this if you just give it time

Авторы: 斉藤 和義, 斉藤 和義

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