Kirin feat. Plastic Kid - Sachi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kirin feat. Plastic Kid - Sachi

니가 여자로서 매력이 없다는 아냐
You're not unattractive as a woman
하지만 이상 나에게로 다가오지 말아
But don't come to me anymore
지금 사이 이대로가 아름다운 같아
I think this space is beautiful for what it is
자꾸 부담 느끼게 하냐
Why do you keep making me feel uncomfortable?
니가 싫지는 않지만 그렇다고 책임감 가지고 싶지는 않아
I don't hate you, but I don't want to feel responsible for you
여자를 좋아하긴 하지만 굳이 연애를 위해 바꾸고 싶지가 않아
I like women, but I don't want to change myself for a relationship
아직은 우리 서로 모르잖아
We don't know each other well yet
그렇다고 깊게 알고 싶단 뜻은 아냐
But that doesn't mean I want to get to know you better
만나며 알아가는 과정들이
The process of getting to know each other
나에겐 이젠 전혀 즐겁지가 않아
Isn't fun for me anymore
밀고 당기는 그것도 좋지만
It's good to push and pull
시간낭비처럼 느껴지는걸
But it feels like a waste of time
서로 맞춰가며 다투는 일만큼
There's nothing as emotionally wasteful
커다란 감정 낭비도 없잖아
As arguing while trying to adjust to each other
사치야 사치야
Luxury, it's all luxury
사랑한다는 자체가 사치야
Love itself is a luxury
낭비야 낭비야
Waste, it's all waste
지금 우리들에겐 안타깝지만 무가치야
It's sad, but it's worthless to us now
바쁜 일상 속에 만날 때면
When I see you in my busy life
지치고 힘든 마음이 쉬길 바라는데
I just want to relax my tired and exhausted mind
달래며 양보하는 과정들이
The process of comforting and compromising
나에겐 이젠 전혀 아쉽지가 않아
Isn't a pity to me anymore
서로 맞추는 당연한 거지만
It's natural to adjust to each other
요즘 들어 그렇게 하기 힘든걸
But it's hard to do that these days
나를 낮춰가며 얻는 평안함이
I wonder who I'm compromising my peace for
누굴 위한 건지 묻고 싶어
When I lower myself to get it
사치야 사치야
Luxury, it's all luxury
사랑한다는 자체가 사치야
Love itself is a luxury
낭비야 낭비야
Waste, it's all waste
지금 우리들에겐 안타깝지만 무가치야
It's sad, but it's worthless to us now
지금 우리들에겐 안타깝지만
It's sad for us now, but
무가치야 우리 세대엔 너무 사치야
It's worthless, it's too luxurious for our generation
열심히 벌어봤자 데이트는 저만치
Even if I work hard, that's all I can do for a date
아주 아주 멀리 나는 보여
I can't see very far ahead
도수 넣은 선글래스 very 사치야
Sunglasses with prescription lenses are very luxurious
같이할 있으면 좋지만
I'd love to be with you all the time, but
통장 있는 0원의 근사치야
The estimated value of the money I can spend in my bank account is 0
그러지 말고 나와 너네 앞이야
Come on, you and me, outside our houses
오해하지 말고 들어봐 제길
Don't misunderstand me and listen carefully, oh my
88만 삼포세대가 얘기
My story is about a three-generation family with a monthly rent of 880,000 won
연애, 결혼, 육아 대신
Romance, marriage, and child-rearing instead of no
그냥 사는 거지 그런 거지
Just living, you know, that's what it is
월세 벌기도 바쁜데 언제
I'm busy making rent, so when
여자들 소원 들어줘 말해봐 뭔데
Can I fulfill all the wishes of women? Tell me, what is it?
거봐 진짜로 난감하다 내가 어떻게
Look, this is really hard, how can I
하루 종일 너랑 붙어있어 건데
Spend all day with you, what are we going to do?
맛있는 먹고 조금 구경하다가
Eat something delicious, do some sightseeing
이야기나 하면서 앉아서 차나
Then sit down and have a drink while talking
밤에 외로우면 가끔 있지만
I can see you sometimes when I'm lonely at night
너의 곁에만 항상 있길 바라면
But I hope to be by your side all the time
너무 부담이 진짜
It's really a burden
말고 누굴 책임질 없을 같아
I don't think I can be responsible for anyone but myself
니가 공감이 안돼도
Even if you don't agree
어쩔 수가 없어 돌릴 수가 없을 같아
I can't help it, I can't turn it around
나는 말고도 고민하고 일이 많아
I have a lot to think about and do besides you
심심할 전화할게 그때 보는 걸로
I'll call you when I'm bored, so let's see then
이렇게 정도가 우리는 나아
It's just right for us to be like this
내가 나중에 후회해도 그건
Even if I regret it later, that's my choice
이제 알겠지 이걸로
Now you know, I'll end my speech with this
원래 이런 바보 같은 사람 아니야
I'm not a fool like this all the time
반복되는 고민들과 하고 싶은 사이
Between recurring thoughts and things I want to do
자연스레 나도 행복한 찾는 것뿐
I'm naturally looking for my own path to happiness
사치야 사치야
Luxury, it's all luxury
낭비야 낭비야
Waste, it's all waste
Uh just like that 사치 huh
Uh just like that luxury huh
Just like that 낭비 huh
Just like that waste huh
Just like that 사치 huh
Just like that luxury huh
Just like that 낭비 huh
Just like that waste huh
Just like that 사치 huh
Just like that luxury huh
Just like that 낭비 huh
Just like that waste huh
Just like that 사치 huh
Just like that luxury huh
Just like that
Just like that

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