Kobukuro - 風見鶏 - перевод текста песни на английский

風見鶏 - Kobukuroперевод на английский

何気なく交わした約束が 心の道を照らすよ
The promise we made unintentionally lights up the path of my heart
あの日始まった物語の鍵となり どんな扉も開けてくれた
It became the key to the story that began that day and opened all kinds of doors
てっぺんが見えないほど高い フェンスの向こう側へと
To the other side of the fence, which is so high that the top is not visible
夢だけ先に放り投げてよじ登り 祈りの陽を見つめてた
I threw my dreams across first and climbed up, staring at the sunlight of my prayers
Woah いつの日も 向かい風を探す 風見鶏のように
Woah Every day, like a weathercock, I seek the headwind
真っすぐ時代と立ち向かい 生きてゆきたい
I want to face the times head-on and live my life
逃げ出さないように 流されないように
Not to run away, not to be swayed
心に 深く深く 突き立てた 風見鶏
Deeply, deeply in my heart, I planted a weathercock
泣きながら君がくれた手紙 財布の隅においてある
The letter you gave me while crying, I keep it in the corner of my wallet
懐かしい声をなぞるような丸文字に 何度力を借りただろう
I trace the nostalgic round handwriting, a voice that I can draw strength from over and over
譲れない想いを滲ませた 乾かぬ道に
On the path where the tears dried, I left my unwavering thoughts
刻む足跡もやがて消えゆく そこに咲かせてゆこう 微笑みの花
The footprints I leave behind will eventually disappear, and there I will bloom flowers of smiles
Woah いつの日か 朝焼けに飛び立つ 渡り鳥のように 幾重の願いが
Woah One day, like a migratory bird flying into the sunrise, my many wishes will
Draw an arc in the vast expanse of the sky
佇む風の跡 たどればどこかで
I trace the path of the wind, and somewhere there
きっと きっと待ってる 君想う... 'Cause I believe my dream
Surely, surely you are waiting for me... 'Cause I believe my dream
優しさ見失ってまで強くなって 何を守れるのだろう
What can I protect if I become strong at the cost of losing my kindness?
一番そばにあった笑顔が 咲く場所 探しているのに
The smile that was closest to me, I'm looking for the place where it blooms
いつの日か いつの日か もう一度あの街へ 君の待つ場所まで
One day, one day, to that town again, to the place where you wait
真っすぐ自分と立ち向かい 生きてゆきたい
I want to face myself head-on and live my life
弱い自分に勝てるなら 誰に負けたって良いさ
If I can win over my own weakness, I don't care who I lose to
噛みしめれば 聴こえるよ 君の声
If I bite my lip, I can hear your voice
いつの日も 風見鶏
Always a weathercock

Авторы: 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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