Konstantin Wecker - Oma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Konstantin Wecker - Oma

Oma kumm, mir müaßn geh, 's werd abbaut.
Grandma come on, we have to leave, this place is being demolished.
Hast a wirklich nix mehr steh, hast nachgschaugt?
Do you really not have anything left, are you sure you checked?
Muaßt versteh, die neien Mieter warten,
You need to understand that the new tenants are waiting,
Und die ham scho lang die bessern Karten.
And they have had the better cards for a long time.
Oma, sag mir liaber, sag mir, was i macha ko.
Grandma, just tell me, tell me what I can do.
Mach jetzt gschwind, die Möbelpacker lacha scho.
Hurry up now, the movers are already laughing.
Oide Leit san heitzutag blamabel,
Old people are a disgrace nowadays,
Und wia oide Häuser unrentabel.
And like old houses they are unprofitable.
Oma, ja, i woaß, da hast dei Lebn verbracht.
Grandma, yes, I know, you spent your life here.
Da herin hat di mei Muatter scho zur Oma gmacht.
In here, my mother already made you a grandmother.
In dem Bett da, woaßt as, is da Opa gstorbn -
In that bed, you know, grandpa died -
Siebzig Winter san mit dir da drin zum Frühling wordn.
Seventy winters have become spring with you in there
Oma, hat koan Sinn, wenn ma si gegan Fortschritt wehrt.
Grandma, there's no point in resisting progress.
Wer koa Geld hat, is heut bloß die Hälften wert.
Whoever has no money, is only worth half today.
Immerhin, die neie Wohnung is am Stadtrand draußt,
At least, the new apartment is on the outskirts,
Und i führ dir jeden Tag dein Wasti aus,
And I will take Wasti out every day,
I versprichs.
I promise.
Oma, bittschön ja, i hab ja a a Wuat
Grandma, please yes, I also have a say
Und muaß zuagebn, i versteh di guat,
And I must admit, I understand you well,
Und am liabsten dad i mit dir sitzenbleibn
And I would rather stay with you
Und dös ganze Gschwerl aus unserm Haus vertreibn.
And drive all this rabble out of our house.
Aber irgendwie kriagn die uns immer wieder raus.
But somehow they keep getting us out again.
Die ham an längern Atem, ja, ja die haltn länger aus.
They have more stamina, yes, yes they can endure more.
Liaber samma stolz, geh weiter, pack dei Glump -
We'd rather be proud, let's go, pack your things -
Wenn i ihn triff, an Hauswirt, speib i ihn o, den Lump,
If I meet him, the landlord, I'll spit on him, that rogue,
I versprichs.
I promise.
Wehr di, Oma, wehr di, laß di außatragn,
Defend yourself, Grandma, defend yourself, let them carry you out,
Dene sollt ma doch koa Schand ersparn.
We shouldn't spare them any shame.
Und i glaub, an seine Schmerzen tragn,
And I think, bearing his pain,
Is am End no besser wia koa Herz mehr habn.
In the end is better than no longer having a heart.
1 versprichs.
1 I promise.

Авторы: Konstantin Wecker

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