Kurt Ostbahn & Die Chefpartie - Zuckagoschal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kurt Ostbahn & Die Chefpartie - Zuckagoschal

Sugar Mouth
I man des ewige Zigeunan
I'm done with this eternal wandering
Hod irgendwann sei End
It has to end someday
Ma braucht wos, wo ma hingheat
We need a place to call home
De eiganan vier Waend
Our own four walls
I wea nimma vue jünga
I'm not getting any younger
Schau heit scho oid gnua aus
I look old enough as it is
So dass ma irgendwann sogn kunnt
So that someday we can say
I nua no z′haus
I just want to go home
Und durt waast mei Zuckagoschal
And there you'll be my sugar mouth
Und i waa dei Bussibär
And I'll be your kissing bear
Mia tatn gmiadlich oid und blad wern
We'll grow old and gray together
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Und i hob von ollas gnua hobt
And I've had enough of everything
Auf des a andrer ewig wart
That others wait for forever
Hob eing'schenkt bis zum Umfalln
I've poured until I've passed out
Hob bei nix und niemand g′spoat
I've spared nothing and no one
Heit hama unsan Garten
Today we have our garden
Und der is volla Gladiolen
And it's full of gladioli
I hätt am Donnerstag mein Stammtisch
I'd have my regulars' table on Thursday
Du tatst mi uma elfe holen
You'd come pick me up around eleven
Weu mia gengan zeitlich schlafen
Because we go to sleep early
Und mia stengan zeitlich auf
And we get up early
I war der Schwedenrätsel-Kaiser
I was the crossword puzzle champion
Und du warst auf Stricken drauf
And you were good at knitting
Und durt waast mei Zuckagoschal
And there you'll be my sugar mouth
Und i waa dei Bussibär
And I'll be your kissing bear
Mia tatn gmiadlich oid und blad wern
We'll grow old and gray together
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Woch auf im Bus und draußt
Week in, bus out
Ziagns grod Wels vuabei
They're just driving past Wels
Und i waaß glei: Wos woa
And I know right away: What was
Des kann ned sei
Can't be
Mia zwa, des woa vua hundert Joa
The two of us, that was a hundred years ago
Auf amoi fallt ma ein
All of a sudden it hits me
I wea weida Zigeunan
I'll keep wandering
Weu i nix aunders kann
Because I can't do anything else
Du schickst jedes Joa a Kartn
You send a card every year
Posit! A von dein Mann
Seasons greetings! From your husband
Is lang her, dass ma glaubt ham
It's been a long time since we believed
A Nocht lang oda zwa
A night or two
Mia ham uns, mia hom ois
We had us, we had everything
De Wod is winzig klaa
The world is so tiny
Und du warst mei Zuckagoschal
And you'll be my sugar mouth
Und i war dei Bussibär
And I'll be your kissing bear
Mia warn gmiadlich oid und blad wern
We'll grow old and gray together
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Und du warst mei Zuckagoschal
And you'll be my sugar mouth
Und i war dei Bussibär
And I'll be your kissing bear
Mia warn gmiadlich oid und blad wern
We'll grow old and gray together
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need
Heast wos brauch ma mehr
What more do we need

Авторы: Lowell George, Lowell T. George, Marti Fyodor Kibbee

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