Liricas Analas - Acta Non Verba? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Liricas Analas - Acta Non Verba?

Acta Non Verba?
Actions Not Words?
Acta non verba. Far perquei che nus stuein.
Actions not words. We must do what we want to do.
Acta non verba. Far perquei che nus mein,
Actions not words. We should do what we love,
Fallida direcziun, mintgin mira mo sil siu,
False direction, everyone looks after themselves,
Tuts endiran - ahh - nus vein disdiu!
Everyone's saying - oh - we're abandoned!
Zacu stezzel jeu giu, sesel sez en crusch,
I'm frozen stiff, sat on a throne,
Culla vesta anenviars e cun stetga vusch.
With a numbing coat and with a hoarse voice.
Repassel scenas, cumplexs e sempels moves.
I replay scenes, complex and simple gestures.
Nua stevas? E cun tgei quentas uss?
Where were you? And what do you think now?
Tenor in giavisch fuss ei uss gia schabegiau,
In the hunt I would have already shot,
Vess jeu dunna, tgaun, affon e la casa baghegiau.
I would have bought a house, a wagon, a gun.
Mo ch'enqual ha muncau tier la praula dil bau.
But someone broke the law of the architect.
Jeu vai disdiu e mai empriu, quei ha la praula mussau.
I'm abandoned and before me, that's what the action showed.
Il secund destin fuvan las Liricas Analas,
The second destination was Liricas Analas,
Mo cun quels schanis mava tut mo bananas.
But with them I only talked about bananas.
Il plaid carriera veva neginas muntadas
The word career had no meaning
Ed aschia eis ei iu, nus vein disdiu enqual gadas.
And so it is, we're abandoned sometimes.
E sco tierz level jeu adina esser creativs,
And as a third level I always want to be creative,
Tener si, tgei ch'ei en miu spért e less veser dapli,
To exist, what is in my spirit and I want to see more,
Mirar si, creativs sun jeu mo sperasvi,
I look if, creative is me I only hoped,
Erel aschi el mund disdiu, falliu, era è mega bi.
Also, in the world abandoned, failed, it's mega cool.
Cun la speronza ch'ei mondi adina aschia vinavon.
In the hope that the world always wins like this.
Il principi maximar cul pacher grond,
The great principle with a big kiss,
Tochen ch'il ballun schloppa, la ductrina da fossa.
Until the balloon bursts, the doctrine of the pit.
Nus essan tuts poppas, aschi ditg ch'il dad in rocla.
We are all puppets, as long as the father rocks.
Cun mintga daguot, in tec pli enguords
With every daguot, a little more stupid
Per critica suords, profits mo pli el cuort.
For criticism deaf, profit just in the yard.
Forsa la reflexiun da nossa veta sociala.
Perhaps the reflection of our social life.
E leu va ei pli e pli pauc per la veta reala.
And there it goes less and less for real life.
La relaziun vegn tralaschada biaras gadas,
The relationship is neglected many times,
Buc peda da star eri e tedlar ina gada.
Not even asked to stand and chat for once.
Nus vein disdiu! Mo mintga crisa porta schanzas.
We're abandoned! But every crisis brings chances.
Quellas duessen nus buc schar lavagar.
Those we should not let wash away.
Sin l'entira lingia vein spiars, nus tuts ensemen!
On the whole line we have lost, all together!
Da viver vein negina mesira pli, essan sepiars!
Living has no measure anymore, we are separated!
Tgei giavel eis ei schabegiau cun nus?
What the hell happened to us?
Nies tgau strubegiaus, nies patratg lavagaus!
Our head dizzy, our heart washed out!
Essan confus dalla situaziun che regia, mo mein cun!
We are confused by the situation that rules, but love!
Naven dalla tegia ella fallida direcziun!
Out of the house in the failed direction!
Mintgin mira mo pli sil siu, sch'ei vegn dir e va sil criu,
Everyone looks at themselves, if it comes and goes on the cross,
Jeu vesel stgir e negin fiug, mo pli mirs, nus vein disdiu!
I see smiling and no fire, but more looks, we're abandoned!
Tarladiu sco mein entuorn in cun l'auter!
Talking around like me with each other!
Tadlein buc sil cor, quei ch'ei odentuorn
Don't look at the heart, what is around
Ei pli saun per tgierp edolma.
Is healthier for body and soul.
Ton ch'ei miert en nus e cloma
That which is dead in us and cries
Da vegnir anavos tier il bien, fa arder la flomma!
To come back to the good, to light the flame!
Cala da schar influenzar e dad esser enguords!
Stop being influenced and being stupid!
Lein mirar, sch'essan el stan da midar e muentar cuolms?
Let's see if we are in the mood to change and move mountains?
Frenar ed anflar in meglier cuors, in fundament,
To break and find a better course, a foundation,
Jeu creiel ch'ei selai far - nus stuein mo vuler!
I believe that it is done - we just have to want it!

Авторы: Adrian Candinas, David Götschel

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