Los Diablitos - Será Que No Es Fácil Ser Feliz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Diablitos - Será Que No Es Fácil Ser Feliz

Será Que No Es Fácil Ser Feliz
Will It Be Easy to Be Happy?
Que cosa otra vez
What's going on again
Me hirieron dentro tan dentro del alma otra vez
They have hurt me deep down in my soul again
Y esta vez
And this time
Quiza ya nada salvara mi mundo
Maybe nothing will save my world
Hoy vienes tu
Today you come
Lo intentas, lo logras porque cambiaste mi risa
You try, you succeed because you changed my laughter
Hoy lo haces tu
Today you do it
Me cambias por cosas de amor tristes como las mias
You change me for things of love that are as sad as mine
Llorará mi guitarra sin ti
My guitar will cry without you
No habra camino en mi andar
There will be no path in my way
(Como diciendo me toca vivir caminar solo noche sin final)
(As if to say it's up to me to live, to walk alone, in the endless night)
No podra mi mañana salir, no hay sueño en mi despertar
My tomorrow can't come out, there's no dream in my awakening
(Cuanta tristezas va a paso de mi, donde te escondes mi felicidad)
(How much sadness is going through me, where are you hiding my happiness?)
Sera que no es facil ser feliz, sera que mi mundo sera asi
Is it that it's not easy to be happy? Is it that my world will be like this?
No quiero volver
I don't want to go back
A donde nadie me espera, yo temo perder
Where no one waits for me, I'm afraid to lose
Me hacen creer
They make me believe
Que en un mañana no existe tu orgullo
That in a tomorrow your pride doesn't exist
Y en un rincon
And in a corner
Del pecho sembre la esperanza y sigue la vida
Of the chest, I sowed hope, and life continues
Llego tu amor
Your love came
Se aguaron mis ojo de miedo, que triste te miran
My eyes watered with fear, how sadly they look at you
Llevaras, un poquito de mi y alguien que un dia te amo
You will carry, a little bit of me, and someone who once loved you
(Yo corte flores de tu bello jardin
(I picked flowers from your beautiful garden
Cuanta tristeza hay en una ilusión)
How much sadness there is in an illusion)
No sera, que el amor llega asi con tanta pena y dolor
Is it that love comes like this? With so much pain and sorrow
(Quiza mas nunca vuelva a sonreir, callo mi brisa matara mi amor)
(Maybe I'll never smile again, my silence, my breeze will kill my love)
Sera que no es facil ser feliz
Is it that it's not easy to be happy?
Sera que mi mundo siga asi
Is it that my world will continue to be this way?
Sera que no es facil ser feliz
Is it that it's not easy to be happy?
Sera que mi mundo siga asi
Is it that my world will continue to be this way?

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