Lucie Bílá - Modi (Bonus Track) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lucie Bílá - Modi (Bonus Track)

Modi (Bonus Track)
Modi (Bonus Track)
Měl rozkousaný rty
He had bitten lips
A voči jako blázen
And eyes like a madman
Pak řval to slovo ty
Then he roared that word you
A při tom padal na zem
And then fell to the ground
Svý barvy rozmíchal
He mixed his colors
Jak kuchta nóblová
Like a noble chef
Sám skoro nedýchal
He hardly breathed himself
Když štětcem čaroval
When he conjured with a brush
viděla ho pít
I saw him drink
Zlej absint nehorázně
Wicked absinthe outrageously
Pak chtěl voči skrýt
Then he wanted to hide his eyes
Ty oči plný bázně
Those eyes full of fear
Měl šaty z manšestru
He had corduroy clothes
A při tom hodně praný
And they were washed a lot
Von ptal se na sestru
He asked about his sister
Však sám měl voči panny
But he himself had the eyes of a virgin
Byl krásnej jako bůh
He was as beautiful as a god
A zlomenej svým steskem
And broken by his grief
Von žil svůj divnej kruh
He lived his strange circle
Když dopil, sám byl bleskem
When he finished drinking, he was lightning itself
A šutr rozbíjel
And he broke the pebble
Jak vlašský ořechy
Like walnuts
Sám k ránu dopíjel
He finished drinking at dawn
Svý láhve útěchy
His bottles of comfort
A se mnou dítě měl
And he had a child with me
Však na to neměl prachy
But he didn't have the money for it
A zimou když se chvěl
And when he shivered with cold
Tak ve vočích měl safír
He had sapphire in his eyes
věděla kdy skoná
I knew when he would die
že příde určitě
That it would definitely come
Ta jeho sláva o nás
His fame about us
Za všechno prožité
For everything we've been through
Ta jeho sláva o nás
His fame about us
Za všechno prožité
For everything we've been through
Von krutý roky žil
He lived cruel years
A dneska prej je slavnej
And I hear he's famous today
I čas poškodil
Time has damaged me too
A jsem tak trochu na dně
And I'm sort of at the bottom
Von po třiceti zchlad
He cooled down after thirty
A nedotknul se vody
And he didn't touch water
Dost možná měl rád
He may have loved me
A jmenoval se Modi
And his name was Modi
A jmenoval se Modi
And his name was Modi
A jmenoval se Modi
And his name was Modi

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