Lucía Pérez - Himno Galego - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lucía Pérez - Himno Galego

Himno Galego
Galician Anthem
¿Qué din os rumorosos
What do the murmuring waves say
Na costa verdecente
On the verdant coast
Ao raio transparente
In the transparent light
Do prácido luar?
Of the peaceful moonlight?
¿Qué din as altas copas
What do the tall treetops
De escuro arume arpado
Of dark, fragrant pine
Co seu ben compasado
With their well-measured
Monótono fungar?
Monotonous humming?
Do teu verdor cinguido
Cloaked in your greenery
E de benignos astros
And under kindly stars
Confín dos verdes castros
Border of green hill forts
E valeroso chan,
And valiant land,
Non des a esquecemento
Do not forget
Da inxuria o rudo encono;
The harsh sting of insult;
Desperta do teu sono
Awake from your slumber
Fogar de Breogán.
Homeland of Breogán.
Os bos e xenerosos
The good and generous
A nosa voz entenden
Understand our voice
E con arroubo atenden
And with rapture they heed
O noso ronco son,
Our hoarse, deep sound,
Mais sóo os iñorantes
But only the ignorant
E féridos e duros,
And hard-hearted and cruel
Imbéciles e escuros
Imbeciles and blind
Non nos entenden, non.
Do not understand, no.
Os tempos son chegados
The time has come
Dos bardos das edades
Of bards through the ages
Que as vosas vaguedades
Whose vague prophecies
Cumprido fin terán;
Will have a proper end;
Pois, donde quer, xigante
For, everywhere, like a giant
A nosa voz pregoa
Our voice proclaims
A redenzón da boa
The redemption of the good
Nazón de Breogán.
Nation of Breogán.

Авторы: Eduardo Pondal

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