Massimo Ranieri - Io Mammeta E Tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Massimo Ranieri - Io Mammeta E Tu

Io Mammeta E Tu
Io Mammeta E Tu
Ti avevo detto, dal primo appuntamento,
I told you, from the first date,
′E nun purtá nisciuno appriesso a te...
′And don't bring anyone with you...
Invece mo nu frato,
Instead, now a brother,
Na sora, na nepote...
A sister, a niece...
Sola nun staje na vota:
You are never alone:
Ascimmo sempre a tre!
Let's always go out as a three!
E mi hai promesso: "Domani chi lo sa...
And you promised me: "Tomorrow who knows...
Vengo io soltanto... soltanto con mammá!..."
I will come only... only with my mom!..."
Io, mámmeta e tu...
Me, your Mother and you...
Passiammo pe' Tuledo,
We walked through Tuledo,
Nuje annanze e mámmeta arreto...
You and I in front and your mother behind...
Io mámmeta e tu...
Me, your Mother and you...
Sempe appriesso,
Always following,
Cose ′e pazze:
Crazy things:
Chesta vène pure ô viaggio 'e nozze...
She even comes on our honeymoon...
Jamm'ô cinema, a abballá...
We go to the movies, to dance...
Si cercammo ′e ce ′a squagliá,
We try to ditch her,
Comm'a nu carabiniere
Like a cop
Chella vène a ce afferrá...
She comes to grab us...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Ma, ′nnammurato,
But, my love,
I'm resigned:
Non reagisco più...
I don't react anymore...
Io, mámmeta e tu!...
Me, your Mother and you!...
Io, mámmeta e tu!...
Me, your Mother and you!...
Ma San Gennaro mm'aveva fatto ′a grazia:
But San Gennaro had done me a favor:
Ll'ata matina nun ll′ha fatta aizá:
The other morning he didn't let her get up:
Teneva ll'uocchie 'e freve,
She had the eyes of a Fever,
Pareva ca schiattava,
It seemed like she was going to die,
Io quase mme credevo
I almost believed myself
D′ascí sulo cu te...
To come out only with you...
Nu filo ′e voce, però, truvaje mammá:
But a thread of voice, however, she found mom:
"Da 'a piccerella ve faccio accumpagná..."
"I will have a little girl accompany you..."
Io, sòreta e tu...
Me, your Sister and you...
Jamm′ô bar ô Chiatamone:
We go to the bar on the Chiatamone:
"Vuó 'o cuppetto o vuó ′o spumone?"
"Do you want a cup or a spumone?"
"Chello ca costa 'e cchiù!"
"The one that costs the most!"
Pe′ ricordo 'e 'sta jurnata,
To remember this day,
Dint"a villa, ce hanno fatt"a foto...
In the villa, they took our picture...
′o pallone, ′o babbá
She wants the ball, she wants the babà
Nun se fida 'e cammená...
She doesn't trust walking...
Guardo a essa, guardo ′o mare...
I look at her, I look at the sea...
Stó penzanno 'e ce ′a mená...
I'm thinking of taking her away...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Ma, 'nnammurato,
But, my love,
Só′ rassignato...
I'm resigned...
Non regisco più...
I don't regisco anymore...
Io, sòreta e tu!...
Me, your Sister and you!...
Io, sòreta e tu!...
Me, your Sister and you!...
Ammore mio, staje sempe cu 'e pariente...
My love, you are always with your relatives...
Chesta famiglia mme pare na tribù...
This family seems like a tribe to me...
Arrivano 'a Milano,
They arrive from Milan,
Arrivano ′a ll′Oriente...
They arrive from the East...
E tutta chesta gente
And all these people
Sta sempe attuorno a me...
Are always around me...
Na vecchia zia ca steva a Cefalù,
An old aunt who lived in Cefalù,
Venuta ccá, nun se n'è ghiuta cchiù.
She came here and never left.
Io, zíeta e tu...
Me, your Aunt and you...
Poverina, è sofferente,
Poor thing, she's suffering,
Ogne tanto, nu svenimento...
Every now and then, a fainting spell...
Io, zíeta e tu...
Me, your Aunt and you...
Ll′uovo frisco, 'a muzzarella,
The cold rain, the mozzarella,
Cammenammo sulo in carrozzella...
We only walk in a wheelchair...
Stó pavanno ′a ccá e 'a llá...
I'm showing her around...
′E denare chi mm"e ddá?!
Who gives me the money?!
O te lasso o, fra nu mese,
Either I leave you or, in a month,
Stó cercanno 'a caritá!...
I'll be looking for charity!...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Ah... Ah... Ah...
Tu mm'hê ′nguajato...
You've tricked me...
Mme sposo a n′ata,
I'll marry someone else,
Nun ve veco cchiù...
I won't see you anymore...
Mámmeta, sòreta e tu...
Your Mother, your Sister and you...
Páteto, fráteto e tu...
Your Uncle, your Brother and you...
Nònneta, zíeta e tu...
Your Grandmother, your Aunt and you...
Páteto, fráteto, nònneta,
Uncle, Brother, Grandmother,
Sòreta, sòreta, zíeta,
Sister, Sister, Aunt,
Zíeta, páteto, páteto,
Aunt, Uncle, Uncle,
Fráteto, fráteto, nònneta...
Brother, Brother, Grandmother...
Nònneta, páteto...'o cane...
Grandmother, Uncle...'the dog...
...Scusate giuvinò, io ′a bisnonna...
...Excuse me young man, I'm your great-grandmother...
turnata proprio mo da 'o ′spitale...
I just came back from the hospital...

Авторы: Domenico Modugno, Riccardo Pazzaglia

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