Nogizaka46 - その女 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nogizaka46 - その女

That Woman
'That woman, like a sudden summer downpour, started talking out of the blue'
I was slightly worried since you kept quiet even after we met after a long time
何かあったのかななんて 僕は心配していたんだ
I wondered if something happened
「飼ってるネコが二、三日 家からいなくなったとか
'My pet cat went missing for two or three days' or
嫌いだったカリフラワーが 食べられるようになったとか
'I can now eat cauliflower, which I hated' or
檸檬って漢字書ける人と 絶対仲良くなれないし...
'I will never be friends with people who can write the kanji for 'lemon'...
そんなどうでもいい話を 僕は頷くだけでした」
I just nodded to such irrelevant stories
私は水でいいわと コップの水お代わりしながら
I'm fine with just water, I said as I refilled my glass
Why can you talk about recent events with such interest?
On the other side (on the other side) of the glass,
white snow has started falling
僕の前のその女(ひと)は 何かつぶやき涙ぐんで
The woman in front of me muttered something and teared up
ぼんやりと窓の外 なぜ 眺める?
why are you blankly looking outside the window?
こんな風にそう時々 呼び出される理由なんか
I wonder why I am called sometimes like this
there's no point in thinking about it
See you
See you
It seems like you have nothing to do and are just killing time
but I wonder if there's something urgent because you're trying to go home all of a sudden
「雨とか降りそうもないのに ビニール傘を持ってたから
'The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain, but you were holding a plastic umbrella'
when I asked, 'wasn't the weather forecast rain?' you laughed a little. Why?
When you were leaving, I said 'call me again' to be slightly attentive
but you told me 'I'm sorry. I can't play along with you'
Not even once (not even once) did you
look back and leave
二時間半その女(ひと)は 僕の時間奪っただけで
That woman took two and a half hours and only wasted my time
一体何をしたかったのか わからないよ
I wonder what she wanted to do
それでもまた誘われれば 来ないわけにいかないだろう
but still, if she invites me again, I really can't not go
I've nodded many times in this coffee shop
My old (my old) girlfriend
I at least have to listen to your stories...
僕の前のその女(ひと)は 何かつぶやき涙ぐんで
The woman in front of me muttered something and teared up
ぼんやりと窓の外 なぜ 眺める?
why are you blankly looking outside the window?
こんな風にそう時々 呼び出される理由なんか
I wonder why I am called sometimes like this
there's no point in thinking about it
See you
See you

Авторы: 秋元 康, Hrk, 秋元 康, hrk

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