1 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": La Mourisque
2 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Branle Quatre Bransles
3 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Ronde & Salterelle
4 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Ronde Mon Amy
5 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Allemaigne & Recoupe
6 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Pavane Mille Regretez
7 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Basse Danse Bergeret
8 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Danse Du Roy
9 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Ronde
10 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Passe Et Medio
11 Twelve Dances from "The Danserye": Pavane La Bataille
12 Shadow Dance
13 Metamorphosis "On an Original Cakewalk"
14 Beyond
15 Medieval Suite: Homage to Léonin
16 Medieval Suite: Homage to Pérotin
17 Medieval Suite: Homage to Machaut
18 The Red Machine
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