岡崎体育 - 鴨川等間隔 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 岡崎体育 - 鴨川等間隔

Duck River equidistant
免許更新の待ち時間 硬いパイプ椅子に尻を冷やした
I cooled my butt on the hard pipe chair while waiting for the renewal of my driving license
売店でヤンマガ買って 知らない漫画を読んだ
I bought a Yanmaga in the store and read a manga I didn't know
友達は皆それぞれの 友達と遊びに行ってんだろうし
My friends are all out playing with their own friends
誘えるやつも塩田くらいか アイツはいいや また今度飲みに行こう
The only one I can invite is Shioda, but forget about him, I'll ask him out to a drink next time
久しぶりに服でも買うかな 一人で通りを行ったり来たり
I'll buy some clothes for a change, walking up and down the street
Unconsciously, I picked up navy blue again, I'm just going for the safe option
(I'm only worried about what other people will think)
鴨川等間隔 寄り添う恋人たちの心理的距離
Duck River equidistant, the psychological distance between lovebirds
I'll allow the gesture of tucking a windblown hair behind the ear
鴨川等間隔 橋の上 見下ろしながら見下される
Duck River equidistant, looking down from the bridge while being looked down upon
I feel like roundhouse kicking them off from top to bottom with a sixteen-step kick
徹夜でゲームのサクリファイス 明日まで吐き気はとれんだろうな
I sacrificed my sleep for a game, I won't be able to get rid of the nausea until tomorrow
コンビニで天むす買って 食べるや否やモドした
I bought a rice ball with tempura from the convenience store, I threw it up right after I ate it
友達は皆それぞれの 新しい道を歩んでんだろうし
My friends are all walking their own new paths
在学生は塩田と俺か アイツはいいな 家を継ぎゃいいもんな
The only ones still studying are Shioda and me, he's lucky, he'll inherit his family business
久しぶりに実家帰るかな 奈良線のホームは何処だっけ
I'll go home for a change, where's the platform for the Nara line?
Unconsciously, I turn on my PSP again and level up
(I just get lonely after I level up)
木津川BBQ レジャーソウル テニスサークルのジャージ纏う
Kizu River BBQ, leisure soul, wearing my tennis club jersey
砂利に足を取られ 腕絡めたあざとさは許しはしない
I tripped on the gravel, I won't forgive the deliberate intertwining of arms
木津川BBQ はしゃぎ合う男女の輪には入れない
I can't get into the circle of laughing men and women at the Kizu River BBQ
I want to hit the BBQ fanatics with a vertical drop DDT
On the gravel, too
I'm not asking for much
Just a little tolerance or mercy
I want to develop a heart that can accept it
(It's not like I'm rotten to the core)
鴨川等間隔 寄り添う恋人たちの心理的距離
Duck River equidistant, the psychological distance between lovebirds
I'll allow the gesture of tucking a windblown hair behind the ear
鴨川等間隔 橋の上 見下ろしながら見下される
Duck River equidistant, looking down from the bridge while being looked down upon
I feel like roundhouse kicking them off from top to bottom with a sixteen-step kick

Авторы: 岡崎体育, 岡崎 体育

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