1 Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal
2 Träume
3 Die Mainacht
4 Feldeinsamkeit
5 Morgen
6 A Legend
7 Before My Window
8 How Fair This Spot
9 To the Children
10 Du Meines Herzens Krönelein
11 Tre Giorni Son Che Nina
12 Where'er You Walk
13 Caro Amor
14 Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
15 Allerseelen
16 Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair
17 Plaisir D'Amour
18 Wo Find Ich Trost
19 Schlafendes Jesuskind
20 O Del Mio Amato Ben
21 Luoghi Sereni E Cari
22 The Lass With The Delicate Air
23 La Procession
24 Herr, Was Trägt Der Boden Hier?
25 Auch Kleine Dinge
26 Praise The Lord
27 Who Is Sylvia?
28 Ave Maria
29 L'Automne
30 Oh, What Bitter Grief Is Mine
31 Ridente La Calma
32 To Chloë
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