Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Burro! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Burro!

No era tan gran com el pinten
You were not as big as they say
Compte amb el que et diuen
Beware of what they tell you
Que els poetes ho escriuen
That poets write it
Sols estic quan m'enganyen
I'm only fine when I'm lied to
Després quan somric ho faig sense ganes
Then when I smile I do it without desire
M'ho trague i em senc el rei
I swallow it and feel like a king
El rei dels inútils
The king of the useless
Neurones cabudes em cremen el cap
Covered neurons burn my head
I ara camine amb el cap acatxat
And now I walk with my head bowed
No vull anar a espai, ni caminar d'esquenes
I don't want to go to space, nor walk backwards
Tampoc vull que tot siguen penes
Neither do I want everything to be sorrows
Visc acceptant que tu dictes les regles
I live accepting that you dictate the rules
Imaginant que ja no poses pegues
Imagining that you no longer put obstacles
Em fa mal el cap, se m'unflen les venes
My head hurts, my veins swell
I esperes sentat que el pi faça peres
And you wait seated for the pine to bear pears
I de tu... i de tu què?
And what about you... and what about you?
I de tu sols he aprés a beure Whisky sec
And all I've learned from you is to drink straight whiskey
I de tu sols he aprés a beure Whisky sec
And all I've learned from you is to drink straight whiskey
Pau eres burro
Pau you are a donkey
Per què te la flipes?
Why do you show off?
Vull portar-ho al bé, però no puc més
I want to lead it to good, but I can't take it anymore
Açò pot amb mi, açò pot amb mi
This can with me, this can with me
'Rribats ací no tinc altra que polsar reiniciar, uaaah
Having come here, I have no other choice but to press reset, uaaah
Ara sols em queden els arbres
Now all I have left are the trees
I el vent de les teues paraules
And the wind of your words
Els murs que tapen les cases
The walls that cover up the houses
I els plors que conten escenes
And the cries that contain scenes
Em reventa que regues faroles
It pisses me off that you water streetlights
I que no t'il·luminen de veres
And that they don't really light your way
No pots acceptar qui eres
You can't accept who you are
Significa viure d'esquenes
It means living with your back turned
Sempre la mateixa roda
Always the same wheel
Fes que descarrile o jo em ratlle i em tire
Make it derail or I'll scratch myself and jump
Canvia de dirección almenys
Change direction at least
No pots, vas en vies de trens
You can't, you go on train tracks
Jo preferisc el burro
I prefer the donkey
Doncs que eres burro
Well then you really are a donkey
I de tu...
And what about you...
I de tu sols he aprés a beure Whisky sec
And all I've learned from you is to drink straight whiskey
I de tu sols he aprés, he aprés a no fer res
And all I've learned from you is to do nothing
No puc comprendre per què
I can't understand why
Em trobe en este estat
I'm in this state
Pau eres burro
Pau you are a donkey
Per què te la flipes?
Why do you show off?
Vull portar-ho al bé, però no puc més
I want to lead it to good, but I can't take it anymore
Açò pot amb mi, açò pot amb mi
This can with me, this can with me

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